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  1. K

    Timetable 08 thread

    That's right... It's making me hard to find a job! But I will try to find one though as most of my friend has one and I made a stupid decision. Wednesday is very short though.. That's alright, Make sure you clarifies a bit. Also because my gf has broken up with me so I'm more sensitive to...
  2. K

    Myspace vs Facebook

    Thanks for that No, I'm 18 years old who's about to get in uni!!! Because my gf broke up with me, that's why i turned to myspace and how do i know they are 13 years old?! I meet them last year at my school and I know they are 13 lolz
  3. K

    Myspace vs Facebook

    i use myspace and msn.MySpace's better especially with all these year 7 (13 years old ) girls!! Facebook suck shit... that's one of triggers that made my love broke up with me... I don't touch it anymore
  4. K

    Premier's Awards

    Re: Premier's Awards 2007 Yea I got mine today It's a glass plaque instrad of trophy...
  5. K

    Timetable 08 thread

    What's wrong with all you guys critisizing?! I'm doing double degree with approximately 14 credit points/Semester I had tried my best to make it as short as possible, almost all of them are between compulsory lecture classes except Friday I can't change lecture time as there's only one class...
  6. K

    Timetable 08 thread

    First Semester: Second Semester:
  7. K

    Standard Integrals and trigonometric relations.

    You can get it off the past paper...and you cna derive them easily as well
  8. K

    So how many days do you spend in uni per week?

    Whoa you are lucky..How did you managed to do that?! it would be nice if I only have 4 days of lectures but I do not have lectures. But I have compulsory lectures every single I need to spend 5 days a week at uni
  9. K

    STAT170 or STAT171

    O ok so most homeworks/mini assignment are actually set and due during the tutorial class?! if so i better change it to friday Another question: is credit 70+?!
  10. K

    enrolment tomorow what 2 bring

    Yes....You need to fille the eCAF form..if you don't, they will get you to fill it over there.....(which happened to me) Because they can't change "accepted" to "admitted" without eCAF thing...
  11. K

    enrolment tomorow what 2 bring

    You get the diary Outside E4a (In fact between E4A and E4B) ...My falculty is at E4A which is fairly close to it. There was a U@MQ but it will move to different place tomorroow
  12. K

    STAT170 or STAT171

    Hey do u think it's better to have tutorial right after lecture for STAT 171 or It's better to have lecture and tutorial on different day... wah I don't wanna fail...I havn't failed anything since I was year 7 and dun want that record to be broken
  13. K

    enrolment tomorow what 2 bring

    Yea the diary looks pretty No i didn't go to the big lecture thing because it's like 8:30am and can't be bothered to get up that early I stopped midway through coz i havn't filled my eCAF thing and couldn't pass step 9... so i'll get the card later
  14. K

    STAT170 or STAT171

    Yeah...I'm doing actuarial studies so that's why it's a compulsory subject.... "hypthesis testing"?! Do you mean the concept of hypothesis in science experiment?!?! Well not for me...I don't have a choice as STAT171 is compulsory...
  15. K

    enrolment tomorow what 2 bring

    Just need to bring proposed program form, get advice from professor to decide what subject you wanna do and the "compulsory subjects. Then Organise your timetable and get your program signed by the professor. After that just go to some third year student and get them to activate your...
  16. K

    STAT170 or STAT171

    I just find out that STAT171 is a compulsory subject for my degree at first year...I hope it's not gonna be harder than 5 unit maths...
  17. K

    Mathematics Extension 1

    If you come 1st in both external and internal and you did well in the external exam, internal mark will go to the rubbish bin...which happened to me... so you just have to keep up and make sure you do well in the external exam My trial mark=my assesment mark=my exam mark=my HSC mark
  18. K

    will 2u count if 4u isnt in the best 10units of urs in HSC??

    From my knowledge you don't sit for 2 unit maths exam if you doing 4 unit maths..... although it is still possible to sit both 2 unit maths and 4 unit maths exams by accelerating 2 unit maths in year 11... However, from what I know, the result of 2u maths completed in year 11 will go to the...
  19. K

    2007 Top 200 School Rankings Daily Telegraph

    157th... falling from 107th last year
  20. K

    Anyone get a strange envelope?

    yea same with mine..unlike last year