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  1. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    cool what PAU emsemble are you in, im 1st Trumpet in the orchestra!!
  2. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    lol im on my third trumpet, started on a cheapo Bach in primary school then got a Yamaha Standard model now i've finally progressed the a Bach Strad 37 ML Silver Plated, the usual. Whats your musical background; Brass Bands, Concert Bands, Ochestras?
  3. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    come in this thread to discuss fav pieces and trumpet and french horn related stuff !!
  4. timyates_87

    concert band

    um scince when has " shostakovich symphony no.5" been written for concert band, as one of my favorite classical pieces i find it very hard to comprehend this being played by a concert band ???
  5. timyates_87

    Report Writing in IT

    go to
  6. timyates_87

    Guitar Tab for Composition elective

    A great program would be Finale 2003/04 however is very expensive but its on Kazaa (i didn't tell you that) ;) this alow supports drums, and even tabs if you want to enter it and then convert to normal transcription. :)
  7. timyates_87

    Finale 2004 users

    hey is you want more people to be able to look at it save it as a MIDI or Finale 2003.
  8. timyates_87

    Extension Classes

    hi im just wondering what the normal structure is to a music extension class. im doing performance electice and every ext lesson i just sit in a room and practise and for 5 minutes i get advise from my teacher. Is this the norm with all performance ext classes or is it my crappy school. Thanks
  9. timyates_87

    Sydney Con HSC Winter Revision Workshop

    yeah all BOSer's should meet up, it'll be cool!!!!
  10. timyates_87

    totaly stuck for composition

    Helen Johnstone wrote Anna Karenina, are you performing at the HSC revision at the con?
  11. timyates_87

    totaly stuck for composition

    COOL i play trumpet tooo :) What are your pieces, mine are: Anna Karenina (Ext) Haydn Trumpet Concerto 1st Mov (Ext) Dialogue - Bozza (Ext Ensem) Sun Conure - Brendan Collins (Mus 2) Haydn Trumpet Concerto 3rd Mov (Mus 2) and still desiding another piece :)
  12. timyates_87

    totaly stuck for composition

    i know exactally what you mean, im also screwed as far as composition is concerned What instrument(s) do you play?? im doing an unaccopmanied trumpet solo.
  13. timyates_87

    CASO PRIDE (We need Uzzis Aid!)

    your a 'LOST CUNT' scoot y the FUCK do you YOU need UZZI's AID your don't even do 4U. YOU R THE BIGGEST DICK IN THE WORLD........WHY???????????????
  14. timyates_87

    Sydney Con HSC Winter Revision Workshop

    yeah is should be good, i presume most of you are doing the music 2 corse. Are you guys gonna play as this will be excellent although you will probable play in front of a large (30-50 people) audience. But you will get great tips and advice from HSC examiners, should be great i better send...
  15. timyates_87

    Sydney Con HSC Winter Revision Workshop

    i recomend this for anybody who wants to do well in their HSC as it is so helpful and comprehensive, this is run by the same staff as the access program which i am a part of. The staff of this program are really on the ball when is comes to HSC music (alot better than most public school...
  16. timyates_87

    TAFE is SHIT

    i agree totaly, in my unfortunate and brief experinces with tafe i have found stoner dicks and low achievers
  17. timyates_87

    TAFE is SHIT

    i belive tafe is SHIT and anyone who wants to aviod a shit life with low pay should ditch the TAFE system and consider uni.
  18. timyates_87

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Conservatorium of Music Entry i've heard all sorts of rumours about getting in the con, like 83 UAI and audition or just an audition. Can someone please set the rumours straight. Thanks EDIT: Hey guys This thread is the one that used to be called Conservatorium of Music Entry...