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  1. timyates_87

    Bass players unite! (ripoff of trumpeters unite :D)

    umm thats a good thing :P i would have thought there would be heaps more nerdy trumpeters than bass players, we only have 4 :( i would have always assumed bass players out smoking something and not on a forum, but im wrong aren't i :D
  2. timyates_87

    The PAU/The Arts Unit Thread: Music

    hey is anyone going the Royal Womens Hospital Ball gig in the town hall next friday or is this just a orchestra concert. apparently we have rehersals all day starting at 9am and finnish at 11pm for a 20minute spot before that. great organisation from the arts unit on this one :p
  3. timyates_87

    Meet the Music!

    Hey, did anyone go to meet the music or is going tomorrow night. You may as well get there 10 minutes late because the first pieces is complete shit!! but if you enjoy listening to crappy radios and thats all for 8 minutes you might enjoy it. As for the Bass Trombone Concerto....well lets just...
  4. timyates_87


    yep, modes are in the HSC test.... come to think of it i better start studying them...:S:S:S. probaly releated to score reading and listening, like "is this piece modal, name which mode" etc... but maybe check past papers :S
  5. timyates_87

    anyone serious about a music career?

    yeh, i feel the same way. i could never see myself sitting in an office infront of a computer 9-5. Im auditioning for Sydney Con for BMus (Perf) and Music Studies on trumpet. :uhhuh: i also auditioned for Newcastle con but i don't like it there :p Hey Abraxus what conservatorium are you...
  6. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    hey skankit, can you improvise and all that sorta stuff?? i really wanted to get into jazz but you have to admit brass bands and orchestras are BETTER!!! :D
  7. timyates_87

    Auditions. who hates them.

    just treat it as your HSC, really focus on your contrasting pieces and orchestral excerpts if that applys and know all scales. but most importantly practise sight reading, this is practically the most important part of the audition. also like a job interview ask lots of questions and look...
  8. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    yeh i competed at Newcastle 2003, NSW States 2003, Launceston 2004 and Sydney Metro 2004 all on Jnr Sop, Jnr Trumpet and Open Trumpet. i know both of those guys, played R.Bishops "Rosie" for HSC and Conrad Curry as adudicated me a few times. you wait till trumpet geek see this, lol. she will be...
  9. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    LOL, don't even start trumpet geek on gunnadah!! so whos your teacher, how long, career etc
  10. timyates_87

    Auditions. who hates them.

    Hey all, just wondering how you all feel about dreaded auditions. ive got 5 this year and i really hate the way they are handled, i don't get nervous but i hate how most of the time you have no idea how you went because they treat everone the same :(. did anyone audition for SYO??
  11. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    holy shit, i think your to good to be in here :D, waratah are soo good. i used to play with Holroyd Brass... what part do you play etc.
  12. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    yay we have another cool trumpet/cornet player. i used to be a bit of a brass bandie myself until i saw the light and converted to orchestra playing :D. i used to play Solo Cornet and Soprano Cornet.. am sure trumpet geek will like to talk to you, hehe. what band/s are you in?
  13. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    yeh that sounds like a good idea, how cool would it be if we could form a new brass ensemble in the Sydney area, that is what sets aside dedicated musicians from con music students. if we could form something like that it would really give us more of a passion for music which at all satges we...
  14. timyates_87

    ENCORE 2004

    at this years Encore they had 4 composers perform out of 19 performances all up..
  15. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    ARGH!!! everybody says that you will never get a job after uni and thats is very true if you plan to stay in sydney, but you have to concider moving interstate or overseas if you are really serious about becomming a full time musician. Me im gonna try and do Honours after BMus (Perf) and then...
  16. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    YAY im going to sydney con next year if i get in, i can't wait to play in the brass ensemble there soo good, is anyone else going to the con next year apart from me or trumpet_geek ??
  17. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    im sorry for kopying you :( are you auditioning for orchestra, mine is 7pm monday
  18. timyates_87

    ENCORE 2004

    you mean you should know by now if you did :(:(:(:(
  19. timyates_87

    Trumpeters Unite!!

    YAY, i just got Vizzuti 1 & 3...who has book 2 from the con library :angry: . its soo good, book one at least (warm-ups and stuff)...i haven't made it to book three (technical studies) yet. I hope you all put in your SYO forms due on 22nd September. wouldn't it be good to have a complete new...
  20. timyates_87

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    hey all, don't forget to put your Con application in as well as the UAC both due on 30th September, heres the Con application form good luck with your auditions :)