Search results

  1. *Pooja*

    religious (christian) connotations in gwen harwood's poetry?

    does any1 know of where i can find information on the christianity in the 1950s in Australia? i end up getting information on stuff in America!
  2. *Pooja*

    Yeats Question - What Will It Ask

    i dont do Yeats but i think you should know at least 3 poems really well, for safety issues. they might ask you to refer to 3 instead of 2 poems when ans the question! u never know! but, u ca refer to all the poems if u want to. "alternate readings" - is this the criticisms? (if it is: using...
  3. *Pooja*

    Refering to Texts

    kimmeh, i think u should do whatever suits your style of writing. wichever way u write, discuss the main ideas of the poetry with your readings. include your readings and iscuss it in relation to your poems. some readigns can apply to more than one poem, but whether or not you choose to discuss...
  4. *Pooja*

    has anyone been studying consistently?

    ppl like u start 2 make me feel more stressed. my skool is filled with many different forms of u...all telling themselves they'll start seriously studying....
  5. *Pooja*

    where to do med?

    woooooowww! thanks inasero and every1 else!
  6. *Pooja*

    gwen harwood writing assessment task

    damn all english. it used 2 be so good until they started decreasing our marks 4 really stupid thingos like one mark off for writing"ie." instead of "that is" in a feature article. how crazy is that?
  7. *Pooja*

    where to do med?

    where is it better to do med? monash uni or uni melb? 10q.
  8. *Pooja*

    Why do you listen to music?

    melodious up-beat super-dooper increased volume creativity music! k that was lame. neways, music is good, wonderful, reverts ur mind to make u think about music rather than on plotting to bash the annoying person next 2 u. music makes the best of me.
  9. *Pooja*

    Close to finishing yet?

    we have curve sketching to go and harder 3U topics...not much stress...
  10. *Pooja*

    gwen harwood + structuralism

    can structuralism be related to gwen harwood's poetry? i kind of understand what structuralism is but i dont get how it links with gwen harwood. any1 help?
  11. *Pooja*

    Youth attitudes toward police- SURVEY!

    reply 1. 16-17 2. Female 3. Completing Senior High School (year 11 and 12) 4. YES ( but not in a bad way - it was a good way) 5. NO 6. i rate it a 3 7. I would leave as soon as i can and get myself home. 8. this will never happen in my case but still, yes, of course they...
  12. *Pooja*

    MPC and MPS definitions?

    ok thanks ppl.
  13. *Pooja*

    gwen harwood writing assessment task

    indeed... :rolleyes:
  14. *Pooja*

    MPC and MPS definitions?

    i dont get the concept of this. i feel like if i dont get this i wont get the multiplier effect. can sum1 pls refresh me on the definitions and explain the multiplier effect?
  15. *Pooja*

    Wat do u wanna do?

    1. med 2. dent 3. planning 4. env. eng. or sumthing like that 5. i dunno 6. i dunno 7. i dunno 8. i dunno ............. and so on.
  16. *Pooja*

    has anyone been studying consistently?

    study timetables srsly dont work...4 me. something unexpected alwys pops up.....
  17. *Pooja*

    has anyone been studying consistently?

    dude...i see no difference between how long u've been studying and how long ive been studying. join the club.
  18. *Pooja*

    'The Tempest'

    i liked it though!!!!!! caliban's and ariel's acting were the only good ones. prospero - sucked totally, i expected more life and power to just spring out in his speech miranda - a lost case and nut ferdinand - lets just say that he i thought the way caliban guy could stand in...
  19. *Pooja*

    gwen harwood writing assessment task

    we have to bring 3 pieces of material (obtained from only the internet) that are related to gwen harwood and the content that being studied in module B. in our writing task, we have to 'reflect on the effeciveness of these materials in developing your own understanding of the poetry set for...