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  1. *Pooja*

    oral health actually. its a new course starting in 2005. theyre taking 40 sumthing ppl into it. its an u-g course. dentistry is the graduate course aint it. thing is...i dont c the diff b/w oral health + dentistry. well there is but i cant pinpoint it. so yeah... ;)
  2. *Pooja*

    Simple multiplier analysis never understand simple multiplier, too confusing... WHAT THE HELL IS IT ?????? skool teacher says one thing, tuition teacher says another (totally unlinked to what skool teacher said)! sum1 explain pls....
  3. *Pooja*

    how many...

    and thanks to jm1234567890 too. :)
  4. *Pooja*

    how many...

    whoa....ok. thanks Suvat.
  5. *Pooja*

    Related Text for Physical Journeys

    also dont do rabbit proof many ppl do sumthing like a classic or sumthing...teachers+examiners love it when they c a student doing a classic and they're critically analysing the text...
  6. *Pooja*

    Related Text for Physical Journeys

    ok...lets c..the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, gullivers travels, moby dick, robin hood, roald dahl novels, matrix (im unsure of this actually, it fits into imag j's as well). does that help?
  7. *Pooja*

    'The Tempest'

    :wave: howdy every1 ! 4 every1 doing tempest: there's sum ppl that r going 2 perform 'the tempest' play at parramatta riverside theatre. it says lennox theatre or sumthing though... go to to find out exactly about this. they...
  8. *Pooja*

    how many...

    how many preferences r we allowed 2 put down in our choices of courses 4 uni?
  9. *Pooja*

    STAT test

    oh well at least the stat is there 4 positive feed... :)
  10. *Pooja*

    STAT test

    cool! im doing the umat this yr too and got a taste of those crazy shape qs...i was stuffed.......i still am.....i can only do 1 in 6 of those shape thingies...which is bad news 4 me!
  11. *Pooja*

    STAT test

    any1 doing the STAT test for this yr? any1 know anything about the level of difficulty of the test?if any1 here has done the test b4, would u be able to tell me if it's really really hard or what....
  12. *Pooja*

    oral health

    has any1 heard about this course?
  13. *Pooja*

    female chemical scientist?!?!?!?!

    thanks kimmeh!!!!! wow real neat stuff!!!
  14. *Pooja*

    Free maths notes!

    omg thank u heaps. ive finally got an ultimate source for the subjects that i do!!! thanks heaps again and again and again.....!
  15. *Pooja*

    How do you study?

    typing up your notes sumtimes makes u feel better too - like a pro! so u feel like u know it when u read thru ur typed up stuff!
  16. *Pooja*

    hsc marks

    thanks ragerunner. its starting to sort of make sense. oh well, better than nothing! thanks again.
  17. *Pooja*

    hsc marks

    but i like my signature being long....but i understand that it may be annoying for others! i'll try do sumthing about it.
  18. *Pooja*

    hsc marks

    can sum1 explain to me really simply how the school assessment marks and hsc marks for a student are put together, to give the UAI. also, i dont understand the scaling process and the ranking process. i've looked at this other thread. but i srsly dont get it.
  19. *Pooja*

    lecture @ burwood on 29th May

    its at MLC Burwood and it goes from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. its costs $20.
  20. *Pooja*

    How do you study?

    some ppl are inclined to use mnemonics when studying for tests to not forget key stuff, eg AN OX and RED CAT meaning that oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode. - in chem. with kids that listen and store info into their head, wow thats a miracle. a good idea is to...