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  1. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    B- is bronsted and Lowry's theory. answers D.
  2. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    It is B.
  3. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Same lol . i had A and changed it to D in the last second so gay.... Edit: Yeah it's A according to a lot of people.
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  5. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Dam 13/15 . 2 stupid mistakes >.> i actually had a for 12 and changed it in the last second and the concentration is just....
  6. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Oops yeah i got that, just typed it wrong...
  7. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    How come you guys didn't take the paper home?
  8. I

    Section I: Short Answers

    I wrote about TDS and BOD due to animal faeces i.e the location of the catchment is important etc... and then described the process of removing the above. DIdn't really understand the q, that's the only q i had trouble with though so yeah...
  9. I


    No you have to calculate it. although i think i got 1.7mg but i did some sort of calculation cant remember what it was now.
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  12. I

    Section I: Short Answers

    What did you guys write about for the water one?
  13. I

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    1-A 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-D 9-D 10-B 11-A 12-D- but ppl are saying the answer is A not entirely sure 13-C 14-C- answer is B forgot to divide by the volume to find concentration then log it >.> 15-B That's what i got, so far 2 wrong ...>.>
  14. I

    hi Ms Walker - exam thoughts

  15. I

    27 Wtf

    I checked a majority of them and the values all ranged so i jsut left it at that. they ranged from 7.5.-7.8 none of them were the same .
  16. I

    Quanta 6 marker

    0_0 is this Gell-mann guy in the syllabus , never herd of him?
  17. I

    27 Wtf

  18. I


    You have to factor in the 6 electrons. As the carbon atom is neutral and there are 6 protns there must also be 6 electrons.
  19. I

    Physics Exam 08 = Gift.

    Too some extent yeah...
  20. I

    27 Wtf

    has anyone other then the one guy above confirmed that this q was there? Don't get how i could miss it >.> easiest 2 marks in the paper aswell just pltting a graph lol...