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  1. I

    The real CONFIRMED mc answers

    13/15 if 15 is b otherwise 12 got 4 wrong put c >.> 11 also wrong didn't visualise it properly and converted it so that the perpendicular part experiences the force >.> to stupid mistakes zzzz
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    well that was a bit evil

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    27 Wtf

    Wtf? I never saw this Q.
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    UAI Guess Competition

    User: Independantz UAI Guess: 98.15 Actual Uai: Date signed: November 4th
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    Section I: Part B - Short Answer Responses

    I have the best memory in the world .... nah here:
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    General Thoughts - Physics

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    Section I: Part B - Short Answer Responses

    ''The radius of Orbit 2 is four times that of Orbit 1. What is the ratio of the new orbital period to the original period? 2 marks'' the new orbit was orbit 2, the original orbit was orbital 1 thus it's 8:1
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    CONFIRMED mc answers!

    12 is b , it asked for what observation resolved the debate, th emain debate occured with hertz saying they werent deflected by electric fields but thomason eventually disproved this...
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    CONFIRMED mc answers!

    15- B 11-A Are the only differences between mine and those. 15- i don't think it can be D as it's a p-type semiconductor thus the primary flow is holes which occur in the valence band 11 not quite sure on this one but i believe you have to take the component that moves at right angles to...
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    27 Wtf

    IF 27 is the last q, then they gave us a graph and we had to do stuff with it.
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    Just do many questions. Questions=> Understanding
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    Re: Something that made you say "my parents are so naive" I came first in my 4 unit trial with a decent mark and my mum complains to me saying that her friends son got 100% in 2unit...No matter home many times i attempt to explain the alligning/scaling system she says the same crap
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    Maximum torque question.

    Lol wtf have you been doing all year? You can use either one depending on the given data...
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    Semiconductors- interesting questions

    N-type> P-type in terms of conduction N-type semiconductors use a flow of electrons as a primary means of conduction whilst P-type use the holes, as conduction is generally a flow of charge. Other than that the main difference is the impurity used to dope the semiconductor.
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    Maximum torque question.

    Do you mean F=BILSin(theta), never seen the equation you mentioned before, the sin(theta) one i mean.
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    2003 HSC Multiple Choice

    "What time in years had elapsed on this clock when seen from the astronaut's spaceship?" For the astronaut to view time on earth , the time it takes for light to travel from the earth to the astronauts eyes needs to be factored into the calculation as the astronaut is at a large distance from...
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    Physics Rank

    Too many variables, such as school rank :rolleyes:
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    hard projectile question

    Actually, theoretically it's maths :P, but yeah i get your point lol.
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    Estimate the Band E4 cutoff

    56/84??? Mid to high E3, i.e. 85-89. I assume.
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    help with heisenberg and pauli

    Erm.. Wasn't that Bohr?