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  1. Tenax Propositi

    All Rounders Evening

    Does anyone have ANY IDEA when the awards night for All Rounders will be next year?????!?! I have to book a Virgin flight by tonight for Feb and I have no idea when the night is on. I heard it is in February ... but is it LATE FEB or MID FEB or EARLY FEB??? Someone HELP plzzz!!
  2. Tenax Propositi

    skool stress

    I ate lots of chocolate and bitched and whined and complained about everything and everyone i hated to my friends during the year.... even if it included them. It really helped :)
  3. Tenax Propositi

    skool stress

    lol ur hsc yr sounds like it could be made into a reality tv show :p
  4. Tenax Propositi

    UTS Residences

    this is a really stupid question - but did u win the residence for free or something? when and how did u apply???
  5. Tenax Propositi

    What didn't count?

    I was NEVER passionate about Mathematics so I have no qualms about that whatsoever!!
  6. Tenax Propositi

    wat UAI did pples get?

    90-100 Private (Catholic)
  7. Tenax Propositi


    I love Hey Ya - it's so different to the other crap they play on the radio. Hey Ya and that Jr./Sr. song are great - they have such a cool retro feel to them.
  8. Tenax Propositi

    World Idol

    lol can't wait to watch it! ... nothing more interesting on tonight... or any other night for that matter.
  9. Tenax Propositi

    Oprah Winfrey is the anti-Christ

    Oprah apparently donates a lot of money to charities privately. If that is the case, then I respect her. I do like Oprah, she makes interesting television (most of the time) and as a personality I respect that she is as down-to-earth as she is considering how much money she makes and the...
  10. Tenax Propositi

    teacher problem

    seek help from eco teachers or do speak to the head of the social sciences dept about your concern. they may be able to help you. but remain anonymous for the time being - it's in your best interests.
  11. Tenax Propositi

    Has Anyone Questioned the Fact that..

    I love english and I think it is very relevant and should be included in the UAI. Then again, I'm openly bias :)
  12. Tenax Propositi

    GAP year

    Bambul, I'm not doing a GAP year, but does coming under the new system apply for those who transfer into a new degree after a year? eg. if u do a combined degree and transfer from one of the degrees to another, do u have to pay the enw HECS for that particular degree? Or do you pay it for both...
  13. Tenax Propositi

    is anyone going to the 8.30am thing for high achievers? (info day)

    Yeah, I think that would definitely be a factor.
  14. Tenax Propositi

    URGENT: B. Laws / B. Arts in International Studies

    Is anyone thinking of studying this course? Is anyone currently studying this course? Do you know anyone who studies it? PLEASE give me ANY and as MUCH info as you can about the International Studies component of the course PLEASE!! I've been to the UTS website but it's still too...
  15. Tenax Propositi

    Surnames in the paper

    LOLOLOLOL that is so funny!! How much pressure would she feel to do well, though?!
  16. Tenax Propositi

    BA Media Arts and Communication?

    Getting into UNSW and USYD is fine. But doing well at any other uni in the same degree plus having a broader sense of the world makes a candidate more suitable for post-uni employment than the title USYD and UNSW next to their name, in my opinion.
  17. Tenax Propositi

    is anyone going to the 8.30am thing for high achievers? (info day)

    I got invited to the breakfast and the afternoon tea and I didn't get 99-100. Therefore, I'm guessing there's only one category for high-achievers and that's 98-100?? Hmm.. I asked Kate, the marketing manager when I confirmed my RSVP and she said the only reason it's held twice for us is...
  18. Tenax Propositi

    Syd Uni Scholarships

    I haven't gotten anything as yet. And I'm not waiting for them either. The University of Sydney can go stick their scholarships up their @ss. I'd much prefer to go to a different uni anyway. When I'm successful and rich I will personally visit the Scholarships Unit and laugh in their faces...
  19. Tenax Propositi

    Which Uni's in sydney would you consider part of the elite?

    UTS is equally one of the best. In any case, it is only comparable on a faculty by faculty basis. In this case, I have heard that UTS has one of the best law faculty's compared to other Uni's and also the best Arts and Communications faculties due to its international connections.