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  1. Dark Phoenix

    Holiday Work

    do success one past papers from 2001 onwards. if u hav time, do the other papers like the one from 1984-99. just do the topic questions u hav done.
  2. Dark Phoenix

    Asus or Toshiba

    duo core simply means twice the processing power. but if u really want to play games u have to check the graphics card. to be honest i cant really tell which graphics card is the better one, but i usually go for toshiba coz they are pretty reliable.
  3. Dark Phoenix

    University for finance, commerce and law?

    thxs brogan - i should really say within NSW
  4. Dark Phoenix

    University for finance, commerce and law?

    Does anyone know which is the best university to go to for finance, commerce and law? Tossing between: University of NSW University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney Macquarie Univeristy
  5. Dark Phoenix

    whats the difference!!!!!!!!!!!! ffs!!!!

    i dont think there is much difference between them, just worded differently. but with the second question, it is just more specific requiring certain things for certain marks. all relates to the journey. and for the 3rd question it just asking u to compare it to ur core text.
  6. Dark Phoenix

    formal wear

    its hard to get a suit under 100 but the cheapest ive seen is kelly country. from $120 for a decent one. i think it is in granville
  7. Dark Phoenix

    Your scientist

    LOL! just keep it anyway. did u do a poll in the previous one?
  8. Dark Phoenix

    prediict mine too please

    soz im a little below the others i say 97- high 98
  9. Dark Phoenix

    Find a Source for analysis help

    no problem BLUEPINK. can i see the poem pls? just curious on what the poem is about
  10. Dark Phoenix

    Your scientist

    hey f3nr15 didnt u already make a post previously on this topic? or r u just lookin for more information?
  11. Dark Phoenix

    Current Criminal Justice Issue

    i was able to finish reviewing ur assignment. i sent it to ur email as an attachment. just send me a message if u have any further questions. good luck
  12. Dark Phoenix

    what stimulus text to use for imaginative?

    The Road not taken is an imaginative journey in the way it requires the responder to make a leap of the imagination to create meaning. Two roads diverged Because it was grassy and wanted wear Yet knowing how way leads on to way I took the one less travelled by Outside of the large towns of...
  13. Dark Phoenix

    Business Week ??

    we dont exactly have business week, but for the yr 10s commerce class they were able to participate in ASX trading (with fake money of course). i think it is called 'money stuff'. it was pretty fun. u could buy and sell shares over the net and the cost of the share fluctuates in real time, that...
  14. Dark Phoenix

    Find a Source for analysis help

    honestly u cant just base ur whole assignment on one source. u need more than one if u r gonna talk bout wik, mabo, native title and the land rights movement. ask the teacher if he/she can change it to more than one source. what have other students done then in ur grade?
  15. Dark Phoenix

    I.J. Imagine by John Lennon. please tell me if its a horrible idea.

    all my english teachers say that those who use this text does it very poorly so it is strongly suggested that u stay away from this song. if u do choose this song, not only mention the lyrics but the way the song is played and its effect. whether it is using a certain instrument like the piano...
  16. Dark Phoenix

    what stimulus text to use for imaginative?

    i used ivory trail for imaginative journeys. i find that by using different types of texts is better than using the same type of texts. since ivory trail is a book cover, it just makes the examination marker more aware of your ability to list and explain different techniques in different texts...
  17. Dark Phoenix

    Current Criminal Justice Issue

    hey USERDK thxs for sending ur assignment. it is quite good i admit. just tell me how much time u hav to write ur essay in class time, just so i can give u information that may not be too overwhelming
  18. Dark Phoenix

    Forest Gump.....Yes or NO

    forest gump is a cool movie. maybe u guys could use this quote for journeys: 'Life is like a box of chocolates u never know what u gonna get' saying that the journey is unexpected or somethin like that. i didnt do forest gump for my HSC but i do love the movie
  19. Dark Phoenix


    i not really sure what is electromagnetism. but i know what electromagnetic induction is. u basically explained it already. whenever a coil is moving relative to a magnetic field, a current will be induced in the coil. also inversely, a current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field...
  20. Dark Phoenix

    Find a Source for analysis help

    thats a pretty stupid assignment i reckon. so r u only restricted to only one source or can u get things from more than one source? here is some info RECOGNITION OF CUSTOMARY LAW ON THE BASIS OF MABO 3.60 Since the ALRC’s Report, the High Court handed down its decision of Mabo v Queensland...