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  1. Dark Phoenix

    Battered Wife Syndrome (BWS) Assignment

    BACON, W and LANDSDOWNE, R “Women Who Kill Their Husbands: The Battered Wife on Trial” in C O’Donnell and J Craney (eds) Family Violence in Australia (Longman Cheshire, 1982) EASTEAL, P “Battered Women Who Kill: A Plea of Self-Defence” in P Easteal and S McKillop (eds) Women and the Law...
  2. Dark Phoenix

    Battered Wife Syndrome (BWS) Assignment

    Private violence, rendered justice (Pamphlet, Alternative Law Journal, 1999) A discussion of two cases of lethal assault - a battered wife assaulted her husband and was found guilty of murder, and a man lethally assaulted his brother-in-law and was acquitted on the grounds of self defence...
  3. Dark Phoenix

    2006 HSC papers already up on official BOS

    thxs for the notification lala would anyone bother going over the questions again once the marking guidelines are out, just to see what u got wrong?
  4. Dark Phoenix

    Battered Wife Syndrome (BWS) Assignment

    oh of course put media reports from daily telegraph, sydney morning herad, today tonight, a current affairs, 60 minutes or late line on ABC is u can find any. and i think there is a lawlink website as well
  5. Dark Phoenix

    Battered Wife Syndrome (BWS) Assignment

    this isnt really a big topic in legal studies. all u need to know is what the legal issue is (that is women are now being assaulted at an exponential rate or something) and the remedies available for those victims such as the possibility of the creation of tribunals. u could also try to put in...
  6. Dark Phoenix

    Scaling between subjects

    i dont think u should drop any of them. coz ur physics will be scaled to 80s while legal studies is neutral. what are ur other subjects?
  7. Dark Phoenix

    How did you find/hear about us?

    teachers and x yr 12 students
  8. Dark Phoenix

    Algebra Help

    excel is crap except for the summaries they have for each topic
  9. Dark Phoenix

    anyone with asian parents? please do my questionnaire for my PIP

    1) Age? 17 2) Gender? Male 3) Which country/ies were your parents born? Philippines 4) What country do they/you live in now, and how long (approximately) have they lived there? Australia for 18 years 5) Does your parents’ cultural background cause conflict in your family? Never...
  10. Dark Phoenix

    Best/Most Useful Textbook

    i use cameridge 3 unit. its a good book coz it categorizes each question in levels of difficulty. and as previously mentioned it has accurate answers and even graphs unlike other text books
  11. Dark Phoenix

    This Lime Tree Bower, My Prison

    In Lime Tree Bower my Prison, Coleridge is able to use his mind to trace a journey, an imaginative one that provides an escape from reality. It is this journey where personal understanding and fulfillment is undertaken. Coleridge uses blank verse in this conservational poem to invite the reader...
  12. Dark Phoenix

    English Advanced - Raw marks to aim for

    thats pretty good then, i reckon i will lose like 8 marks in comprehension, lose 1 mark on both creative writing and essay. so that becomes a loss of 10 For the paper 2 i believe i could get 18/20 for all so that will add up to 89 all up, hope SJA is right, if so band 6 mor me YAY
  13. Dark Phoenix

    DO MY SURVEY PLEASE!!!!!! its for my IRP...

    hey,.. instead of ticking them just lyk itallic the answers or something for me!!! PLEASE! lol.. thanks SURVEY 1. Age: 17 2. Gender:Male 3. Where did you grow up? Sydney 4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply] Gospel Pop Punk R&B 5. What stereotype...
  14. Dark Phoenix

    Algebra Help

    i used cambridge for maths 2 unit. i find it very good as well as success one. in the cambridge, it divides questions into 3 levels of difficulty and provides good explanations as well. try checking out dymocks if there are any camberidge general maths. and when dealing with those algebra...
  15. Dark Phoenix

    Algebra Help

    im not sure myself coz i do 2 unit or should i say i use to do 2 unit. how complicated is it? is it just like 2x + 12 = 15?
  16. Dark Phoenix

    Algebra Help

    just to let u know that m is just the gradiet of a line and b is the y intercept ive encountered questions where u had to put equations into that form so u could get the gradiet of the normal and all that
  17. Dark Phoenix

    contribution of development of space exploration

    i agree with alcalder von braun is a good one to choose. In 1952 he developed the idea of the space station, saying that it would be the perfect jumping off point for lunar expeditions He also joined Disney to make films about space exploration He built US army's Jupiter ballistic missile...
  18. Dark Phoenix

    Algebra Help

    just use the success one maths book which is divided into different topics. there are past papers from 1984 - 2005.
  19. Dark Phoenix

    missed some exams, HELPPP

    hey i dont think a UAI of 65 will be difficult to get. thats about a bit more than a pass in each subject, and according to ur ranks ur doing ok. in reference to ur question about the HSC exam counting towards ur Uai, if u did very poorly, as compared to ur school assessment mark, i think they...
  20. Dark Phoenix

    Legal Studies 2006 - general thoughts on the exam

    This was a great exam! except for the multiple choice. reckon i got around 10 or 11 for it. law and justice questions were easy, and the crime was a surprise coz it didnt have any stimulus, also with the last question on crime, i studied that around 1am on the day lol So that was good. with the...