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  1. M

    A few questions...

    u've got my support :D the support from a wonderful little cat on the left teacher isnt always right......
  2. M

    CSSA 2004 question 18

    This is if the projectile is fired 30 degrees above horizontal find max height... using the syllabus notation and language technique of symbolism, u[y]=u*sin30=0.5u we have v[y]^2=u[y]^2+2a[y]delta(y) so putting v[y]=0 and a=-9.8, the value of delta(y) gives the max height above the tower...
  3. M

    IMPORTANT - Mafs sux - surely u agree

    many other maths topics wont benefit from graphics calculator true mr Li0n completely agree with you we should use brain and paper and everything should be expressed as nice whole numbers or exact values
  4. M

    CSSA 2004 question 18

    LOL so thats all about CSSA
  5. M

    Did Michelson Morley's experiment disprove the existence of aether??

    I was adapting to the writer's point of view :D ok.. here the story goes... they rotate the apparatus 90 degrees and compare the interference pattern before and after its rotated
  6. M

    Did Michelson Morley's experiment disprove the existence of aether??

    I'll do a close and critical study of text here.
  7. M

    Did Michelson Morley's experiment disprove the existence of aether??

    but u wrote it before that line reading in chronological order, u were wrong :p
  8. M

    Did Michelson Morley's experiment disprove the existence of aether??

    no it wasnt... they didnt make this conclusion until some time after Einstein's 1905 paper on special relativity.
  9. M

    Einstein and plank's different view?

    looks like we need to define "removed from social and political forces" first... what does it mean?? is it that the researcher doesn't consider how the results would be used or is it that the results must not be used for bad things? I think this is the main reason why we're getting this...
  10. M

    HSC 2002 Multiple Choice q 10

    hmm I guess so. this is a good explanation actually. since torque is greatest, it rotates fastest. since rotates fastest, greatest rate of change in flux. EDIT: the torque is constant.. as helper said below
  11. M

    HSC 2002 Multiple Choice q 10

    but u can take flux as having some kind of "direction" and having negative flux enables u to have negative gradient in a flux-time graph which sorta simplifies things because you can then say that the EMF is the gradient of the tangent to the curve.
  12. M

    sending and receiving FAXES over the internet???

    >> whether or not its possible to send faxes over broadband cable << of course it is as long as u have the internet and a computer EDIT: Oh sorry, CORRECTION: its not possible.. dont even know why I said that... but there shud be some services on the net which lets u upload the pic and...
  13. M

    Projectile Energy Multiple Choice

    energy is constant and we assume theres no lost of energy due to sound and heat and friction which are given off to the surrounding environment we also assume there's no energy input due to.. ehm.. the hot air and the sun's light gives extra heat and energy to the ball which are retained...
  14. M


    I guess in inducted current the positive and negative terminals are somewhat unclear...? to answer ur original Q, current flows from positive to negative in the extenal circuit. in the internal circuit, such as the inside of a battery, it follows from negative to positive terminals of the...
  15. M

    Einstein and plank's different view?

    i wouldnt mention manhattan also einstein's letter supported the production of atomic bombs.. so its contradictory to his pacifist and socialist views. but he believed its for the better of society becoz if america didnt make bombs german would become the world's mosy powerful country
  16. M

    Einstein and plank's different view?

    umm Jase, I think it's a good idea to get rid of the sentence "Planck feared the consequences of science being an instrument to those in power." just for the sake of not contradicting because Planck was in fact used by the government. anyway from what ive been reading, Planck believed in...
  17. M

    IMPORTANT - Mafs sux - surely u agree

    sometimes I hate maths just to clarify :p and sometimes I fail to see how some of the questions are relevant
  18. M

    induction cooks

    hmm.. MP is 660 oC.. how hot is it usually for induction cooks (I seriously have no idea) but otherwise, you seem right :D
  19. M

    induction cooks

    his posts were deleted.. can u type the full question for me pls? and the full exact answer too if u dont mind
  20. M

    8 Marker

    hmm.. thats why I said if Im not mistaken.. I know my teacher said something about the high-mark Q but I cant remember if he said they cannot ask it or if they try to avoid it now and it also probably excludes the option topic.