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  1. J

    True Love

    I used to believe in true love because I thought I'd found mine. I was with her for three years before she dumped me. Hey, maybe she was MY true love but I wasn't hers.
  2. J

    Belinda Emmett dies

    Agreed, any form of metastatic or reoccuring cancer is horrible, as is the disease itself. My thoughts are with her loved ones =(
  3. J

    Belinda Emmett dies

    I wouldn't describe it as lucky :S But yeah, glad she had her family there.
  4. J

    Belinda Emmett dies

    Well it wasn't some unfortunate coincidence... the breast cancer spread to her bones, so it's secondary cancer.
  5. J

    Belinda Emmett dies

    Diagnosed in 98, that's a pretty epic battle =(
  6. J

    Relationships suck!!!!

    I've been pretty heartbroken for going on six months now and I still don't think relationships suck. I was with her for three years =(
  7. J

    Possible vaccine for Cancer and HIV!

    Thanks Sherlock. But in relation to cancer, if you read the article, it's actually talking about the possibility of using a vaccine as a treatment (ie instead of chemo)...
  8. J

    Possible vaccine for Cancer and HIV!

    I figure any progress is good progress.
  9. J

    Possible vaccine for Cancer and HIV!

    Check it out.
  10. J

    Chronic headaches

    Dilaudid is the answer to most pain.
  11. J

    Your thoughts on suicide - Tragedy or Selfish?

    Re: Your thoughts on suicide... Tragedy or Selfish? When my mum attempted suicide, it wasn't an act of selfishness, she felt as though we'd be better off without her.
  12. J

    when your younger sibling grows up

    I worry about my sister all the time :(
  13. J

    Do you love yourself?

  14. J

    Acceleration in your school?

    Seems like more work than it's worth... skip the useless grades instead...
  15. J

    What HSC Subjects if I want to do law?

    Re: What subjects should I take if I want to do Law after high school? ... equatete?
  16. J

    Acceleration in your school?

    Almost sixteen.
  17. J

    Acceleration in your school?

    Haha, I didn't really accelerate a subject - just skipped years 8 and 9. It was more challenging socially than it was academically and I probably wouldn't recommend it.
  18. J

    Your gf has a "guy best friend"... wake up...

    Hey, maybe you weren't a great boyfriend.
  19. J

    2006 USYD Law I

    At my uni (and I'm gonna assume yours) lectures generally finish 5 minutes before the hour and start 5 minutes after the hour :)