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  1. abdooooo!!!

    Blank CD Brands

    no frills
  2. abdooooo!!!

    Your ISP & Connection Speed

    10 Mbps/10 Mbps
  3. abdooooo!!!

    Taiwanese president shot

    what? who is this people... cho fuk dic, do le lo mo. LOL
  4. abdooooo!!!

    Taiwanese president shot

    i wish john howard got shot... he's getting old.
  5. abdooooo!!!

    Consider this -- Is all you need a degree?

    just remember nothing is impossible. ;)
  6. abdooooo!!!

    how should i study 1 week before 1/2 yearly

    oops... my mistake. sorry. yea try not to sleep, time is the essence. eat coffee beans and remove your bed from your room. :)
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Consider this -- Is all you need a degree?

    of course it depends on everything. like if you're a Havard MBA, no matter how bad you're grades (providing you pass) and social skills are, you're gonna get a relatively good job anyways... as long as you can speak english and not retarded. LOL
  8. abdooooo!!!

    i cant do work. help

    do work.
  9. abdooooo!!!

    Impact of chemical analysis on society

    mining (identify ore), medicine, quality control in production of materials, evironmental thingy (forgot the word)... a million other things.
  10. abdooooo!!!

    How important are the asessments?

    not very. i had expected better from einstein's son... 45% for math now thats crap for anyone's standards.
  11. abdooooo!!!

    Have you been caught "jigging" by BOS or Police?

    i got caught once at westfield... i said i was lost. :)
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Yo...Anyone here from Baulko (Yr12) 2004?

    baulko > ruse + syd girls
  13. abdooooo!!!

    biased teachers

    no point argueing with teachers... even if you get some other teachers to verify they wouldn't do shit cause they don't wanna offend the co-workers. students always lose, unless you get a lawyer.
  14. abdooooo!!!


    ya i was positive i got 100% in 3u math assessment but ended up with 60%. wft??? and whats even more strange is that i got 100% in 4u math assessment... weird... hsc is fucked. :( gay math teachers who can't mark properly should be fired.
  15. abdooooo!!!


    you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drown.
  16. abdooooo!!!

    Parent/Teacher interviews

    im not a parent yet... so i didn't attain. :)
  17. abdooooo!!!

    Is this fair??

    its justice. :) its your fault for trying to hard and being too greedy.
  18. abdooooo!!!

    your opinion on tutoring...

    i don't believe you. ;)
  19. abdooooo!!!

    "Degree in a day"
