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  1. abdooooo!!!

    School Stats on Arab Males

    yea blacks are nice... umm... perfect black body. so are you black??? ;) this thread is both sexist and racist, i mean stats on "arab males"... gang rape, terrorism, now this. LOL :p
  2. abdooooo!!!

    School Stats on Arab Males

    there is just more compared to blacks.
  3. abdooooo!!!

    DNA models..

    umm... presentation. you know make it colourful and a 3D one.
  4. abdooooo!!!

    chemical bonding help

    okays. i can't accept something seriously if i don't know the basis of its truth, i need logical connections. all this talk of bonding seems contradicting when you apply them to different situations. its like they switch models to explain different situations where the other model failed...
  5. abdooooo!!!

    chemical bonding help

    yea i know that... the second law determines what is possible and what is not. so if that does happen it must be entropy favoured. i think you misunderstood my question... to illustrate my point: does HF (a compound which has a electronegativity difference on the border of 2.1) exists...
  6. abdooooo!!!

    chemical bonding help

    ok when you dissolve NaCl in water, does it actually become Na+ ion and Cl- ion detached from each other? why does this happen though? shouldn't it just be single NaCl molecules that are not attached to other NaCl in a ionic lattice. ie NaCl(aq). instead of Na+ and Cl-. so assuming if it...
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Yr11 3u

    umm interesting... but i doubt this logic will work if you base your performance rating on "all" the subjects a student takes, ie their overall performance for all subjects, rather than just math performance. but if its just for the math faculty then yes go you cynical math teachers... LOL...
  8. abdooooo!!!

    Silberberg Chemistry?

    what? die? lol... what happened before krebs discovered his cycle in mitochondrion? umm... this is post hoc fallacy!!!
  9. abdooooo!!!

    Silberberg Chemistry?

    lol. respect. :p unsw is not for me... way too far to travel... unless attendance do not count in uni. :)
  10. abdooooo!!!

    Nephron Question

    i have "a" mitochondrion. he has mitochondria. :)
  11. abdooooo!!!

    hsc online BIO notes..

    he does A level math for sure. look at his sig "BCom/BSci@UNSW"... must be an actuarial/math major... LOL. :p
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Which Topic Is Hardest?

    not really. i think question 7 and 8 of 4u is nearly the same from what i've seen so far. question 7 of 3u can be damn hard too... harder than most of the first 6Qs of 4u exam. the thing is you wouldn't get topics such as straight integration and trig without applications, in the last...
  13. abdooooo!!!

    Surface Area of a Sphere

    ohh... ya... lol... didn't see it. straight forward algebra. sqrt(dy^2 + dx^2 )/dx = sqrt(dy^2 + dx^2 )/sqrt(dx^2) = sqrt(1 + dy^2/dx^2) then substitute that into 2*pi*y*sqrt(dy^2 + dx^2 )/dx = 2pi*y* [ sqrt( 1 + (dy/dx)^2 ) ] dx. yea... i got it!!! lol
  14. abdooooo!!!

    Surface Area of a Sphere

    cool... thanks affinity... i finally figured it out. because it is integrating against the wrong delta change since if you stretch the length derived from 2*pi*r into strings horizontally it would not have the same ratio as the area of the circle which need not be stretched. so we have a...
  15. abdooooo!!!

    School Stats on Arab Males

    i know lots of 99.xx persians who are freaks at math adults? auburn? nah im not black... lol
  16. abdooooo!!!

    Surface Area of a Sphere

    ya your workings seems right... same as mine when i did it your way. so it must be that the surface area cannot be derived using that method. i know the method that works: just differentiate the volumn of the sphere with repect to r, you should get 4*pi*r^2. let me have a think of why...
  17. abdooooo!!!

    Your parents view on HSC

    tell them to save and invest now... so you can drop out of school and live off their capitals in the future. :)
  18. abdooooo!!!


    does truancy matter? can you truant as much as you like without getting penalised?
  19. abdooooo!!!

    Your parents view on HSC

    ditto. they tell me im studying too hard when im studying and when i don't study they're like why aren't you studying???
  20. abdooooo!!!

    School Stats on Arab Males

    how could you count persian as an arab... i mean persians are like asians... they study like crazy. :) is blacks from africa the worst performing?