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  1. abdooooo!!!

    Best Chemistry Question Textbook

    no. didn't you know? thats why everyone here is ignoring the actual chemistry/physics books for books like successone which is just the syllabus dot points with crappy teachers' answers that only gets you around half the marks most of the time in a question. go look at last years exam...
  2. abdooooo!!!

    Best Physics Question Book

    oops sorry too much classical music... getting confused with weird names. its: Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Physics. and oh the surfing books. its just called surfing physics... its just like a summary with some less detailed answers on question than successone... but same style hsc...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    How many openly gay/bi people at your school?

    lol. i got it now... but couldn't you just said: "there is no proof that our natural/intuition way of doing things is wrong." :)
  4. abdooooo!!!

    private ( catholic ) vs. PUBLIC

    private and catholic schools rulez in religion studys. :) just like james ruse rulez in agriculture. :p
  5. abdooooo!!!

    Free maths notes!

    i think its just you. :p
  6. abdooooo!!!


    umm... can't be that bad... its not like you had anything to lose. :)
  7. abdooooo!!!

    failing the HSC

    but did your friend fail? i reckon its just something schools do to scare you. edit: oh does failing the hsc means just not getting the certificate or uai with that too? i just need an uai...
  8. abdooooo!!!


    artificial nerd. ;) the real nerds don't accelerate... they don't even go to school... they all are million billionaire now like future bill gates.
  9. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    hahaha. imagine harder!!! my doctrine on the 4D = 4 tapes theory is gonna be great. :D
  10. abdooooo!!!

    Have You Ever Cheated In An Exam

    lol. or learn to cheat better! im gonna develop a innovative new program which hacks into the UAC's site and auto sets my UAI to 100.xx... umm... scholarships...
  11. abdooooo!!!

    HSC Online (CSU website)

    maybe excel copied it... or they both copied some other higher order book. :)
  12. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    no... im so gonna drop philosophy.
  13. abdooooo!!!

    Syd Uni HSC enrichment

    who? where? i can't see the sad bum... oh wait there you are... chick dude. :p
  14. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    i said i don't care... :p i can't find any shit on time travel on the net so im freakin bored... im so dead for tommorow. :(
  15. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    lol. i was gonna say too... you beat me to it. :p im comming last... do i care... obvously not. :)
  16. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    ahahaha... some school... so you came 4th?!?!? :eek: :D :D :p :p
  17. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    umm... thats kind of a big drop from 1st to 6th don't you think. should be around 90-95. but most people who accelerate in math do it again... i know this dude who got 91 for 4u and 93 for 3u last year and he is repeating.
  18. abdooooo!!!

    Syd Uni HSC enrichment

    is this directed at freaking_out... lol. i don't even think freaking_out even does bio or for that matter the hsc anymore. damn man i pm'd that guy... i got tricked :p
  19. abdooooo!!!


    umm... so nathan wants to trade sexaul favours for math solution eh?? i would rather get it off sami for 25 bucks each chapter than you know what... LOL. :p
  20. abdooooo!!!

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    so do you think you can come first??? 95+ wouldn't be bad... especially since you're accelerating. what? you said something wrong... what happen if you had no competition... then surely you're stuffed lol :D :D :D