i hate centre link too...they stopped my youth allowance because apparantly my parents earn too much...why didnt they tell me before?! it was no problem before that.... and i cant depend on my parents, they have enough on their hands as it is......argh....
i give them information they want, and its up to them to make the decision... i dont say ' i think this' or ' you shoudl do that'. its not up to us to make decisions for them....
mumbojumbo- theres also unitrack... woudl it be so hard to help people out dingo without it benefiting you?! i know ur trying to get all the high uai canditates into uni but guess what!? its not up to u to make our decisions...
shut up dingo.
mumbojumbo. swic is also for hsc students who didt go too well, it offers different diplomas and certificate courses. depending on how well u do at the end of the course you may then be eligble for ntry to uws, though its not guaranteed 100% . it roughly costs $4800 a semester
ghostwriter ruled!! :D
i remmeber in primary school we used to have singing sessions, and as a reward our teachers would let us sing gangsters paradise after singing all the crappy 60's songs.... i still remember the words! :)
i like DAMOB on sturday mornings... different and funny :lol:
otherwise its everybody loves raymond... i love mareee she reminds so much of my grandma :D
ok... minus the fake ghetto talk and the use of the word 'nigger' im with four1play...dingo ur a self obsessed ingnorant being ...who will only further disintegrate uws's reputation.
at 3am they air alot of american infomercials, one that leaved me jaw dropped is this cooker microwav thing....and they demonstrate various appliocation. 'you can cook:
- a 6 lb chicke
- 12 lb pork chop
-12 lamb chops
- fat free hamburgers
and the list goes on and on .... and the visual...
dingo - where do you get your info from - try to be just al little more supportive and a tad less abraisive... he nightve got a uai higher than 60's and he chose uws because of its close proximity etc. dont jump to conclusions too quickly
nah i like the mocona add... :D the one where the two women were talking bout their new hot flatmate...and he turns out to be a crossdresser homo!! i hate the jarah chocolate add where she licks her lips.... another classic is terrys chocolate orange..... did u see how big her oranges are?! :eek:
in my opinion, mathematics and information technology would be the better alternative. mathematics would come as an advantage for your degree...and i fyou dont like it you could go to just doing information tech