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  1. D


    shit im turning into an old woman... i dunno, it has a classic smell that i like... i like it in small doses... i dont like people who practically bathe themselves in the perfume, becomes too strong... but i like shower and bath products that make the skin smell nice..
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    hugo for women - my trademark ckone - an essential gucci envy - special occasions channel no.5 - so bloody good the advantages of getting gifts from extended family members whom u havent seen in ages and dont know what cloth size u are :D
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    Oprah Winfrey is the anti-Christ

    but i think oprah would be a bit of a stingbag, she wouldve payed half og the 1.2 million, and even that would be payed by her company. compared to the revenue they bring in p.a that would be a drop in the ocean. i also read somewhere the reaon she makes so much money is because she doesnt...
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    Oprah Winfrey is the anti-Christ

    and what gets to me also is that most of those women are upper class americans, so they could afford all these things... and what really made me laugh is when oprah said 'ive done ur christmas shopping for you'... as if any normal person would buy a $700 hand bag...
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    external transfer

    generally speaking, transferring into commerce would require a gpa and maybe uai. pharmacy requires stat, gpa. thats if theres places available, i know so many people who want to transfer to uni second year
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    Oprah Winfrey is the anti-Christ

    u just realised that?! and if humans are rediculously materialistic its not all of oprhas fault although she'd be apart of it. its the whole of society. and are u trying to tell me that if someone gave u a free state of the art sony dvd cam and palm dvdplayer u wouldnt at the least think of...
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    Oprah Winfrey is the anti-Christ

    i would go on a shooting spree with you....after i attend her favourite things show, regardless of it being a publicity stunt and a sneaky marketing strategy.... i want that sony dvd recorder... and that phone/palm thing :eek:
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    is music getting worse?

    sometimes though a singer is dubbed crap by everyone else because of their whole image. some actually can sing...but cant go about it the right way. if we can fix those people up it would be a lot better
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    Who got a crap UAI? I did :(

    i did not go too well either... :(
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    2003 UAIs

    count me in...although i dont think my brain cells will be more dysfunctional than they are right now as proven by my uai...
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    R U pessimistic/optimistic about ur UAI tomolo??????

    the most pessimestic here :( .. going by todays results im totally in the shits
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    UAI confusion

    i also had a dream last night fortelling my uai... 86.9...if only
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    Don't miss The O.C.

    why did they axe it?! damn it was a good show
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    Survivor: Whos gonna win and your favourite survior

    personally, this one is one of 2 that are my favourite - survivor africa and survivor pearl island... but this one was more action filled...more interesting
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    Survivor: Whos gonna win and your favourite survior

    wohoo sandra won!! but wouldve rathered rupert win...
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    Liberal Studies

    having said that asqutithian, the time frame for arts/science is 5 years whilst liberal studies is 4 years. i put liberal studies in my list of prefrences, simply because its a very braod course which you can major in area of interest in science, and if a person wants to work at a foreign...
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    cruel intentions 1& 2

    u stole that from a website's review :p
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    my school provided us with diaries, they actually looked quite nice, but i hardly wrote in it.. just the odd friends birthday and peole free days and thats about it! :) its too much effort to write in it and keep it updated, i have a calender right in my face in my room which reminds me of...
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    cruel intentions 1& 2

    ur wasting ur money... around half way through the movie
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    cruel intentions 1& 2

    if you also want to know mojo theres a guy in the shower who watches the naked twins kiss... and i dont want to ruin the ending but again he watches 2 girls kiss and get horny balh blah... the second movie is elcheapo one and is just bad taste