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  1. M

    easter holidays

    Yeah so true i guess i do feel for you guys in that sense.... but they will be over before you know it... i cant believe mine are over and already the frist few days back at school after exams we r getting our marks back!!! Im freaking out but hey thats life!!!!!!
  2. M

    easter holidays

    Ohh and i forgot to say.... u r soooo lucky that u have the holidays before your exams... the few weeks before exams i had a few assessments so i didnt have time to study until they were all done which ended up bein g a week before exams started! Man i would have diedto have 2 weeks just to...
  3. M

    easter holidays

    study... pffff NO WAY!!! i just completed my half yearlys last week so nup got nothing to study for and yeah i know study should be an ongoing thing but hey... shit happens! Ill be doing my english change journal which weve had since last year and i havent even started... yep thts right its one...
  4. M

    english assessment!!!!!

    hey whats with viwng and representing... well i had never heard of it before until we got given it for frontline!!!!!! And hey what a coincidence, the day we did our presentation, turned out to be the day i read the thread! hmmm it was kinda fun though!!!!! GOOD LUCK but seening as though we...
  5. M


    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY i finished my exams today at 3:05 pm YAYAY im so happy its like a massive weight off my soulder not t mention my brain! To think of all the shit that i learnt in 2 weeks just for 1 weeks worth of exams god dam it our brains must be crammed and to think we only use like what is...
  6. M

    mid-course exams

    ARGHHHHHHHH mines tomorrow and im shitting myself!!!! Ive studied a bit but i still know nohting compared to what we need... ohh and i also fojd out about 30 minytes ago that i need to learn pracs and im like WTF theres like 14 pracs in one topic how am i supposed to know them and what about...
  7. M

    Change Vs Journeys

    yeah same... they doing change this yar to prepare them for journy next year... shit man it is weird they are studying gwen harwood as some of their text.. how easy have the teachers got it.... teachingthe same thing to yrs 11 and 12
  8. M

    Anyone doing Changing Self?

    I see where your coming from but also where the teachers are coming from. The more you learn and the more supp material you have the better it will be in the end. Cause if u have more then 2 "down packed" as my teacher say then you will have a choice depending on what the question is asking you...
  9. M

    what are you up to

    our first topic was maintaining a balance and yeah i think that is the longest one but still... m pretty sure thats what most people start with.Man i hated that topic how its mix of plants and animals it just makes it so god dam complicated
  10. M

    School / Subject

    Dont take this the wrong way because im by no means trying to sound like a bitch but.... how come so many people come on this forum who hav finished school and are at uni... just curious please dont bite my head off!!!!!
  11. M

    what are you up to

    yeah shit i thought we were a bit slow... hmmmmmmmm well elipsis we are doing communications as well i dont know why... personally id rather do genetics but hey what can u do. thanx for your input i thik we really do need to speed up things otherwse we wont finish! ARGHHH
  12. M

    13 Units?

    hmm so strange... how come with pretty much every school if you do ext 1 maths or english its a morning or after school class... i dont do either but at my school its slotted into the weekly timetable... i guess thats cause we have 4 periods a aday so we cover our time in less periods or...
  13. M

    II unit RE

    man i love SOR i do 2 unit and its like my favourite subject next to english.... i dont know why but apart from the christianity in aus topic which we just finsiehed i lve the course... we r also half way through re in the media which im finding really interesting plus its tying in with english...
  14. M

    Anyone doing Changing Self?

    god dam it you are lucky!!!! U need to find 2 related while i have to find at elast 6...w e have to do a chnage journal that why... thats our chang assessmnt ohh as well as a feature article which we did last term... but ts ok cause we have like 1 1/2 terms to do our journal cause they want us...
  15. M

    Elective : "Telling The Truth" (Frontline)

    We are just finishing it an i found it OK. I mean frontline was funny and all but i dont see why we study this in ENGLISH! I know all the analysis crap but still... who cares.. current affairs programs lie an manipulate ad exploit human emotions etc etc pl get the point... no need to go into...
  16. M

    Who else is doing King Lear?

    Yeah i am doing king lear however i wont be of any help seeing as though we havent evenbegun yet so really i dotn know why i am taking th time to post this message, well actually i do... qite simply i am bored. We have done change and in te middle of doing our frontline assessment now so we've...
  17. M

    what are you up to

    Hey everyone what are you all up to in Bio.... we are in exam week now so we have stopped for the time being but our class has only jsutfinished maintaining a balance... thats our first topic! i just want an indication of how far behind we are cause i am doubting that we will finish all our...
  18. M

    Homework vs. Study

    om breezy u hvee in a month and your worrying that u havent studied... well just realised that you would have just started/starting your exmas but still... my exams started yesturday and i didnt started studing till lat weekend so u got nothg to worry about. Plus its kinda due to me having like...
  19. M

    The subject I hate most is ...

    HA!!!!!!! I can't believe all you people hate english so much! I find that extremely hard to believe.... i dont see how you can hate it.... very strange. Well for me english would ave to be my favourite subject although i hate the texts we are studying but hey thats life. I guess i like it so...
  20. M

    Change Vs Journeys

    This is so frustrating however i know that there is nothing that i can do about it unless of course i repeat year 12 which is just a pathetic thought anyway. Anyway my point is that the syllabus has chnaged and strating from next years year 12s they are doing Journeys forther AOS. I am so shitty...