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  1. E

    Newspapers.. Merit List..

    What's the deal with the Merit List [10 units in the top band]...I know there's a ceremony type thing in February [when I will already be in England] but how do we get notified of that????
  2. E

    What HSC marks did you get?

    Yeah, it took me a good 10-15 minutes to get onto SAM [and this was at about 6:15 this morning]....but I was very, very happy with what it turned out for me :) 99.7 :) :) :)
  3. E

    Newspapers.. Merit List..

    No, tomorrow. I'm not sure if it's in both the Telegraph and the SMH, it's definitely in the SMH though. Probably the Telegraph as well, I'd guess.
  4. E

    What HSC marks did you get?

    Ancient History 96 6 Economics 96 6 [over the moon with this one] English Advanced 92 6 English Extension One 49 English Extension Two 49 Maths 86 [am also really happy with this one, actually! Given that it almost certainly won't count :p] Modern History 95
  5. E

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    15020 Ancient History 2 1 / 38 15110 Economics 2 2 / 18 15140 English (Advanced) 2 2 / 109 15160 English Extension 1 1 2 / 41 15170 English Extension 2 1 1 / 15 15240 Mathematics 2 30 / 65 15270 Modern History 2 2 / 62
  6. E

    Sections III, IV : Extended Response

    I did 26 and 28; was disappointed about the lack of case study (although I referenced Philippines as a specific example of impact of globalisation), but was reasonably pleased with the extended response questions, and the exam as a whole. I thought it was moderately hard, about the same maybe as...
  7. E

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    15020 Ancient History 2 1 / 38 15110 Economics 2 2 / 18 15140 English (Advanced) 2 2 / 109 15160 English Extension 1 1 2 / 41 15170 English Extension 2 1 1 / 15 15240 Mathematics 2 30 / 65 15270 Modern History 2 2 / 62 I already knew about Ancient and English...
  8. E

    Should paper 2 be 3 hours?

    Why not scrap a module, and keep the paper at 2 hours? Module C is similar enough to Area of Study as it why not get rid of it, and that way A) the Board of Studies would have to train less markers, and B) get better quality responses that permit more able students to show what...
  9. E

    Section II - National Study / Personality

    I think it's 1917-1940 for Trotsky. I had a brief "Lev Bronstein was born to middle-class parents in the Ukraine on November 7th, 1879. He began his involvement with Marxist discussion groups at an early age..." and then launched straight into 1917 and Trotsky and the October Revolution....
  10. E

    Section III - Studies in Peace and Conflict

    I did the Cold War question on the crises - and I thought it was a pretty good question. A lot of people at my school hated it though, am not sure why! I thought it was a pretty open-ended question which allowed you to do what you wanted with it. I argued that all of the USSR's policies boiled...
  11. E

    Section II - National Study / Personality

    Trotsky was AWESOME..."Evaluate his role in Bolshevik successes, 1917-1924"...thankyou, nice Board of Studies was such a nice and straightfoward questions - and mercifully without one of those trigger type things they've used in previous years.