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    you interested in Engineering?

    im confused, why are people writing in crytic language? am i missing soemthing here?
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    you interested in Engineering?

    so what are we talking about?
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    Anyone goin to Mac uni and doin law?

    funny u should mention this, cos cutoff for this subject is only 89 at maq uni, i think it was for last year(caught my attention), but is the accreditation the same as USYD or UNSW?
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    you interested in Engineering?

    Chemical Eng cutoff at USYD is 82.8 last year, for UNSW is 80.2 or something like that, i just feel my efforts during my hsc is kinda wasted if i dont pick the course with higher cutoff thats all, cos people been telling me that UNSW has a better reputation for engineering, ohe well.....
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    last date for changing preference

    thanks, great UAI you got there, I wouldve done Commerce if i was smart enough........too bad.
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    last date for changing preference

    when is the last date for changin preference? thanks
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    2005 Cut-offs

    say if a course is 85 cut-off in 2005, and you got 85.05, is it guranteed you'll get into the course?
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    you interested in Engineering?

    well, after obtaining your results, are there people who are interested or planning to do an engineering course? I do but i cant decide to goto whether USYD or UNSW. i heard UNSW has a better reputation, is it true? By the way, I'm planning to do Chemical Engineering, anybody doing the same...
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    a question about raw marks

    I might sound stupid for asking question, but are the marks Posted on the Studentonline website, on friday 17th. aligned marks and not RAW marks?, cos they look too high too me. the Examination Mark, is it the aligned mark? under HSC mark. is that number used for UAI. since its an average...
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    take a look

    just got my hsc marks back, i put the final hsc marks into SAM and got a 88.65. i am very suspicous of that result (a bit high)so a second opionion would be good. Business Studies 2 83/100 80/100 82 5 Chemistry 2 81/100 81/100...
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    1st in state

    I dont care what anyone says, I'm not the first in the state.
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    so just one more day to go, my ability to keep HSC result outa my mind has vanished ,godamn it, i wish i was in a coma so when i wake up i'll know. saves all the anxiety, arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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    hsc nightmares

    i reckon that is one made-up, bullshit dream. i dont have any dreams about it at all, wish i had thou, shows that my brain cares which it doesnt(godamn you brain). i just hope i make it into the course/
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    I am really really scared!

    hey guys, i thought we only know our result on saturday 18th, how do u find out on friday?
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    Favourite Movies.

    the first matrix movie was good, raise a new bar for sci-fi genre, tainted by the sequels(way over the top with philosophical mumbo jumbo).but movies these days are too cg orientated. my favorite movie has gotta be Pulp Fiction, when i got to the gold watch scene i knew this movie was...
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    Finding the gradient question

    i Know, when i first got 3.6 as gradient, note how the last question asks to sub in the gradient to get the constant, i got a really large number. so i put 3.6*10-6 for the gradient.
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    the powerline question

    what was the top powerline and the ceramic thing for? i rememeberd i studied it before, think i said something about the powerline provideds protection from lightning and ceramics discs protects them from rain. what did u guys write?
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    Goodluck / God Bless Everyone!!!!!!

    chicken.......... emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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    A few questions...

    i got 3475newton as well
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    clearing up on solar cells+black body radiation

    yea i suppose. a depletion zone to avoid further diffusion.