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  1. S

    clearing up on solar cells+black body radiation

    alrite this is my definition, if there is anything wrong with , please point out. solar cells mainly of a n-type semicondutor layer, a depletion zone and a p-type semiconductor. when light(photons) reach n-type layer, it excites the electrons to conduction band, the metal grid surround the...
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    things to clear up

    external path, by that do you mean a complete circuit? so if there is no external path(like a metal rod), thing induced current goes toward postive terminal?
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    Plank and Einstein's differing view....A plea for help

    yea, this is tough one. just say that planck believed that science research is conducted for the better of the society(since he worked under german government and supported the war) and einstein believed in pure science, that it should be removed from social and political influences(then u...
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    things to clear up

    alrite, i was going through my notes and i need to confirm this. Messiner effect is the induction of eddy currents on a superconductor by a falling magnet., the magnetic field of eddy current is so strong that it is able to completely repel the external magnetic field (lenzs law), causing...
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    HSC 2002 Multiple Choice q 10

    cant u explain this graph by the fact that maximum torque is produced when armature is parallel to the magnetic field, therefore greatest change in flux? therefore the current will be maximum to begin with... this is just way i look at it.
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    so now it becomes ---------for applied voltage--------- conventional current flows from postive to negative terminal where as electron flows from negative to postive terminal? --------for induced current---------- exactly the opposite?
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    i need to get this right conventional current flows from postive to negative terminal where as electron flows from negative to postive terminal? is that right?
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    Hsc 2003 Q5

    a spaceship travels to another planet, when it reaches there, the onboard clock showed a time of 10 years.spaceship travelled at 0.8c. what would the similar clock show on earth? -3.6 --6 -10 -16.7 the answer is B 6 years, how is this possible? the clock on the spaceship should have...
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    explaination to black-body radiation and planck

    when you mentioned atomic oscillator, is it the electron?
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    Still confused about phonons in BCS.

    i think the exchange of phonon allows 2 electrons to bind together and help each other to travel through the lattice without resistance
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    explaination to black-body radiation and planck

    do we really need to know this? i thought the curve has a limiting output because each oscillating charge vibrate at certain frequency, thus limiting the output if energy give e=hf. hf1 hf2 hf3... is this a okay explaination?
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    Hertz calculating velocity of radio waves

    I though hertz measured the wavelength by observing the interference pattern by connecting the current loop to the induction coil and place it 45 degrees to the transmitter
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    yea, pretty much
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    when acceleration is negative, is the particle going back to the origin?
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    Q4.c integration question

    was the answer 4root3?
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    I f*cked it

    i did the first part of q10 BUT GUESS WAT? the interagration using simpsons rule, used f(a+b/2) instead of 4f(a+b/2). i got the wrong answer and didnt do part 2. man i did that in my trial and did it again in my HSC. i feel like hitting myself. hoping for a 75%, lucky i am ranking first...
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    Simple harmonic motion

    follow the above method the answer is x=3root3Cos(2t+pie/6) pieeeee, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............
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    Loan Repayments - Series And Sequence

    dude, this is what i did, tell me if the answer confirms this no repayments at for first three months and that includes interest i assume. so we being on the 4th month 4th month 2000*1.015-M where M is the monthly payment 5th (2000*1.015-M)1.015-M...
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    standard solution question

    the first question after multiple, i was stuck. what did you guys write?
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    hey, i remember that panda, its Rama's dad, he felled into a cesspool and turned into a panda. Man its been ages since i saw that...... well, i just hope i get that one mark for definition of amphiprotic cos i put the definition of an amphiprotic substance.....