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  1. ptitsa

    ASNS 1001 tute paper

    from a random sheet I got in my first tute: ...;) i've done sweet FA since I last posted here, hahaha. you psyched for an allnighter? hahaha. I've got the music crankin' and the coffee is spillin' all over the shop...
  2. ptitsa

    ASNS 1001 tute paper

    hey...weren't you doing the geopolitics all nighter last week? hahahah, go us! i've done my intro, yay! hahah.
  3. ptitsa

    ASNS 1001 tute paper

    myeh. haven't started writing.... according to the course handout on webct, we should be using the SLC cover sheet.
  4. ptitsa

    GOVT1105 Assignment

    korry, from some random powerpoint in one of the lectures: - Quantitative evidence e.g. survey and opinion poll data or economic modelling – focus on numeric patterns - Qualitative evidence e.g. quotes from experts, politicians, biographies – focus on meaning - Comparative evidence -...
  5. ptitsa

    GOVT1105 Assignment

    600 words of pure shite on the EU so far. wacco! similarly, I feel like my response is superficial. my 'evidence' is tenuous. I'm not cut out for this faculty ;p
  6. ptitsa

    GOVT1105 Assignment

    hahaha, yeah. i'm still doing it. have faith in the power of the all nighter!
  7. ptitsa

    GOVT1105 Assignment

    referencing ey...that implies further reading. All I've done is look at my two little articles. I hope that's all we had to do. I just read that on bb too, Sarah! that concerns me greatly... :S! btw, thanks for posting the cover sheet. danke!
  8. ptitsa

    GOVT1105 Assignment

    Arghhh...I so can't bees with this thing. it's week 4 and I'm already jaded. Not a good sign. Would anyone care to explain why one of the marking criteria is "correct...referencing..." when on blackboard one of the announcements state that we don't have to demonstrate adv referencing skills...
  9. ptitsa

    do you guys feel ready??

    hells no! I've been dreading monday. hahah, same here! damn. I feel like shite. :(
  10. ptitsa

    Arts Network Transition & Mentoring Program?

    seems like I'm in your group then, woohoo! :)
  11. ptitsa

    Where the hell do I start?

    unfortunately, you do need to read shitloads (whilst taking notes) to do reasonably well (or at least give the illusion that you have read well ;p). If you do the reading your understanding of the topic will deepen and once you get into the rhythm of your draft it will alllll flowww (ideally)...
  12. ptitsa

    STRESSING! Please help if possible!

    It's pleasing to see someone doing something original for their major work. Is this Quarantine Station out at North Head (i think that's where it is)? I went on a ghost tour there at night..very fascinating place, and lots of freaky events have supposedly occurred there, hehe. However...
  13. ptitsa

    Arts Network Transition & Mentoring Program?

    I've decided to sign up :P
  14. ptitsa


    I went to the student centre today and the guy there seemed to think that I should have had advanced on the confirmation. However, he checked the computer and I was enrolled as arts (advanced), so everything seems to be fine on that front. I guess as long as the computer is correct, that's all...
  15. ptitsa


    that has happened to me as well, except for arts (advanced). I'm going down to the uni tomorrow to sort that, and a few other things out. I'll let you know what they say :)
  16. ptitsa

    Arts Network Transition & Mentoring Program?

    I'm not sure whether to sign up or not. I really cbf... :p
  17. ptitsa

    BoS USyd Roll 2005

    bwahahh! I'm a chick :P he's a swedish dance music producer named Petter Nordkvist. And yes, he's rather attractive..... :D hahah
  18. ptitsa

    BoS USyd Roll 2005

    b arts (adv) . . .
  19. ptitsa

    Post your USYD offers!

    bachelor of arts (adv) but wishing it was arts/law, ahhh well!
  20. ptitsa

    Official UAI Thread: Post your UAI's here

    99.55!! omg...i cant believe it! i'm so happy :D