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  1. ptitsa

    China People!

    thank you :D
  2. ptitsa

    China People!

    this dot point: the importance of foreign support for the GMD and the CCP is that just the influence of Borodin and the Cominterm on the GMD and the CCP, the First United Front, and the re-organisation of the GMD? the influence of the 28 Bolsheviks, and the orthodox line coming out of the...
  3. ptitsa

    China People!

    hahahah...maybe it was just my school who indoctrinated the modern classes with communist rhetoric.. my school has a tradition of studying china, hence why we studied it :)
  4. ptitsa

    China People!

    speaking of zhu de, i stupidly wrote only about his political contribution in the trial...whoops. i really like him though, he's a champ.. that blasted chiang would have sun rolling over in his grave hah. the GMD held so much promise... do you think they might ask about the early days, like...
  5. ptitsa

    China People!

    i'm hoping for a question on Maoism, anything to do with Yenan. or something like "account for the failure of the GMD" or the like. if it's the first united front....oh my...that would be bad. i'm doing Zhu De btw
  6. ptitsa

    quick question

    2y-2e = x + e (as opposed to x - e) x + e - 2y + 2e = 0 x - 2y + 3e = 0 ......? *worried*
  7. ptitsa

    usyds of the future!

    fo sheezy, usyd law all the way baby! (bwahahhaa..yeah right.) i'll be there, in my trusty arts degree.
  8. ptitsa


    handed mine in last term... 48/50, which i'm happy with.
  9. ptitsa

    Handed in Project

    i'm intrigued. do you mind posting your major work?
  10. ptitsa

    Mathematics (2 Unit) Course Summary

    wow. you, m'dear, are a gem! thank you for being so kind to share with others. i thought the language was fine to understand. :)
  11. ptitsa

    How many words was yurs meant to be?

    syllabus says you can't exceed 2500, so we stuck to that.
  12. ptitsa

    Legal Studies Study Day- june 30th

    i went to the june 30 study class were not too impressed when they changed the timetable, and we missed 3/4 of our family lecture as they moved the time! the guy who did the crime lecture was a champ though. was it three times that he failed criminal law? barrel of laughs! it was class.
  13. ptitsa

    has anyone used 'hitchhikers guide to the galaxy'?

    i used the first episode of the tv series for an assessment task, but i am yet to use it in an essay. pm me if you want stuff on that :)
  14. ptitsa


    10?! wow. what a machine! i've just finished my first journal (200 pg)..but i'm getting the impression i'm one of the lazier students.
  15. ptitsa

    is the major work marked internally?

    i think my teacher wanted our works to be marked by someone who didn't know us, so it would be much more objective. i guess that seeing she's watched us develop and work on ours for so long, and she knows our progress, it would be difficult to mark. so they were sent off to one of her friends...
  16. ptitsa

    is the major work marked internally?

    it's meant to be marked 'internally'...but that doesnt mean your teacher can't send it away to another teacher to mark instead, if they so wish.
  17. ptitsa

    Handed in Project

    charmed_cuties, you'll be fine! i know someone who only decided what their topic was 2 weeks before, found their focus question the friday before the monday it was due, did the whole thing on the weekend (inc. the log book) and still managed >40/50 although not as impressive as the above, i...
  18. ptitsa

    How many words?

    about 200 words. uh oh....
  19. ptitsa


    heheh..this study day was great. loved the students who prepared specific questions for ol' windschuttle, only to get completely owned. he's an intelligent man. i dont know how these fools thought they could trick him! it was cringeworthy stuff.
  20. ptitsa

    The half - Yearlies

    silly school put the exthist half yearly the afternoon after the maths i did absolutely nothin' to prepare for it! :D .....still managed to ace it though.... :o ^^;;