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  1. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    pwetty pweeze link me to the uai predictor
  2. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    having trouble with the students online webpage (trying to get my friends results for her since shes in korea) the edit button is your frienddddddddddddddd
  3. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    i think general maths scaled you down :(
  4. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    whos "someone".. i have a feeling its me hehe
  5. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    well, the booklet did say "in general"
  6. vanity

    band 6 in Standard English !!!!!

    hahaha i didnt think about that! oh well, good for her! would rather it was me though but i majorely screwed my first assessment which was not a good start to trying to get band 6 in standard hehehe
  7. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    should be bottled and sold!
  8. vanity

    band 6 in Standard English !!!!!

    :p damn.. she stole my crown!
  9. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    i spose this is in the wrong forum but since you asked heres how it went: [subject] [exam mark] [assessment mark] [hsc mark] [band] D&T 87/100 82/100 85/100 5 economics 68/100 74/100 71/100 4 english(standard) 75/100 81/100 78/100 4 IPT 82/100 73/100 78/100...
  10. vanity

    2003 UAIs

    well according to the You and Your UAI booklet (found mine around 1am this morning) in general your uai is usually lower than your results... the average of my resutls was 75 and i was praying to be scaled up up up (damn, so shouldnt have dropped ext eng and ext maths!) but unfortunately i was...
  11. vanity

    Class of 2003 HSC Exam Marks for SDD

    i dont even recall doing 71/100 of the actual exam itself??? i actually did the other topics questions cos i thought i'd be able to get more marks on that one!
  12. vanity

    UAI prediction pleeeeeeease

    good luck pete :) edit - you beat me in ipt! but i beat you in english.. hehehe good stuff :)
  13. vanity

    I.T courses in general

    about two months ago i read an artical in the financial review about the decline in the number of people selecting IT courses it said stuff about how theyre having trouble keeping the student quota and the minimum uai or something like that
  14. vanity

    so what time can we get our UAI's?

    will someone kindly link me to a post that tells you what you have to do to get your uai. im not sure where my "you and your uai" booklet is... sowwy
  15. vanity

    So who is an allrounder?

    the issue is... PUBLIC EDUCATION
  16. vanity

    R U pessimistic/optimistic about ur UAI tomolo??????

    awww dreamer its ok. im counting on my schools trend of scaling up to push me along a bit you'll be ok :)
  17. vanity

    R U pessimistic/optimistic about ur UAI tomolo??????

    im berry scared. i think uai is unpredictable and scary :(
  18. vanity

    Huy, what you get in ipt?

    *holds huys hand* there there