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  1. Enoch

    elp! :( out as well??...display being out is usually physical...and ur windows fuking up is usually software...almost totally unrelated
  2. Enoch

    Msn Messenger

    well id think it was ur firewall do u have, physical firewall, commercial firewall, or windows firewall ???
  3. Enoch

    non-cheesy quote

    "suck on mah tittays"
  4. Enoch

    Ignored :(

    ohhhh revealled lol and wth how come i posted a msg after urs and it says its b4...lOL? neways its supposed to go under the next msg
  5. Enoch

    Age Difference

    just curious...wot country was this in?
  6. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    its only u fort street people that are tripping... just cos ur skool has a fob problem with bitches that try and act cute, and have pencil cases with like different smelling pens and shit that is like "cute" pink/blue bears and other shit,stand pidgeon toed, and take fob pics and do that...
  7. Enoch

    Age Difference

    ohh...well IMO i rekon that today a 15 chik and a 18 dude would be the border the chik would have to be pretty tall and mature...
  8. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    yeah i noe where ur coming from...alotta people from cath/pub/ and alotta the indep skools dont noe the stuff we do at skool...i guess u dont even noe wot a gps skool or head of the river is?ive seen all scopes of skools...GPS independant/normal independat/GPS...
  9. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    alotta the private girls skool around west and inner west(strathfield) rnt really into sports////the ones in the east and north are quite into sport adn all the values that the GPS skools uphold.. wot skool u goto?
  10. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    uhh wen i said wierd..i meant they are hard to u can go from the biggest dropkiks to the no1 smartest dood, from the poorest guy to the richest guy, from the least to the most athletic, and alotta stuff and it also has a great cultural diversity.
  11. Enoch

    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    uhhh the dood had a hissy fit wen his gf didnt say i love u bak...lmao...
  12. Enoch

    Age Difference

    i think it was the norm back then...different mentality and circumstances i guess...wait ur granny got married wen she was 14?
  13. Enoch

    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    yes ...werd=i agree ...for those not fluent in basic ebonics
  14. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    nd...that means?
  15. Enoch

    Year 12 PiCS

    rofl...look at the guy on the far right now look at
  16. Enoch

    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    werd...the guys a gimp asif u dump a girl cos she didnt say i love u back...and then has a hissy fit...rofl...
  17. Enoch

    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    this is a branch off copocabanas other thread ya gimp.
  18. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    well its not my fault shes a closet enochsexual.... and U!!!...that would be like the WORST shit to say to me...calling me a fob...i hate fobs/..the way they act cute and shit...i am like fobophobic
  19. Enoch

    what women (REALLY) want

    thats wot i want!!!(the one in the back) hit it!!
  20. Enoch

    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    wow i was soooo rite.... see wen the roles are reversed and ur on our side(the non brainwashed side) u know wots the go.... HA!~