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  1. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    no im just telling it as it is.. and btw errr...hypocrit look at ur sig " sex is like snow; you never know how many inches you'll get or how long it will last..." ur pretending to be all lovey and dovey and "true love" thingo ...and then u have a sig which shouts out...sexually...
  2. Enoch

    Romantic Lines

    "do u lilke stuff"
  3. Enoch

    A little flirting help plz! some ppl need help...imma just helping him to go the rite decision...cos for some guys and its their first time...its pretty hard cos u get nervous and u dunnoe wot to do...unnoe wot???girls should always make the first move/ the brother out a bit...l
  4. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    its ok...uve been brainwashed... "love" is sooo superficial in teens...its cos ofthose gay movies/chikflix and this has been boosted due to the influx of shithouse films starring hilary duff and lindsay lohan and other gay movies....its soo phoney...y dont guys (the ones with balls and play...
  5. Enoch

    Romantic Lines r posting??pls read the title of the thread b4 posting...
  6. Enoch

    New Best Private School

    dont make me post up pix/and a quik mpeg of kings and pwn u ppl.... nd huever made the thread obviously doesn noe much about private is trinity,knox and cranbrook...nd u rekon best guys skool is grammer pfftt...and barker is a joke...and girls skool..pymble and...
  7. Enoch

    Bad Dates

    i would love to take a chik shopping...i myslef love shoopping...
  8. Enoch

    Romantic Lines

    i wouldve is 'u complete me'....ROFL....i hope he was joking at the time wen he said it...
  9. Enoch

    Romantic Lines

    err...wottabout saturday u sat on my face and i kiss u *wink* oh and monday i give u a mons-kiss *wink* btw dude u have 69 postss. its getting late and im getting lame....ow......
  10. Enoch

    Age Difference

    that guys a freak.....he like pre pubescent chix does he...??wotta freak i rekon that an 18 yo going out with a 15 yo chik is like the border provided that the chik is pretty mature and also tall and hot
  11. Enoch

    elp! :(

    u have blue screen cos ur windows floder is missing something....ur windows missing something could prolly be cos u deleted something or virus killed was it restore.....but one of those u do to reinstall ur windoes doing so u fix ur windows folder u still keep...
  12. Enoch

    Lagging sound in a movie

    orite...does that movie start off retarded or is it in sync at the beginning and get worse after a while...
  13. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    ...uve watched WAAAY too many romantic movies and teen girlly mags.... ur 17....ur NOT gonna sustain the relationship for say 5+ yrs....nd im prety sure hes gonna break it off.... wot is with girls and being sooo optimistic "im in love" its just that uve been brainwashed by...
  14. Enoch

    Romantic Lines

    "dont turn this rape into a murder" "thnx for teh sex....umm...wots ur name again" "ur moms pretty hot......uhhhh i meant "bum"....yeah....bum..." "ur sis is pretty hit it.....uhhh i meant "chis" hit that damn hot chisel.....yeah....chisel"...
  15. Enoch

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"? wen ur a teen ....ur not feeling love...ur feeling ur dik rise... ...nd chix...its not love..its infatuation...
  16. Enoch

    Ignored :(

    chance r he sersly doesnt like u nemore...and he cbb tlking to u nemore....sorry but that the harsh reality...nd chances r its cos hes onto a new pretty sure thats wot hes thinking...cos if i said that...tahts exaclty how id be word answers and shit dats random...hes lost...
  17. Enoch

    A little flirting help plz!

    umm...i helped a few of my mates with chix probs...with very similar 'expereinces' with chix as u...umm i guess its pretty hard to help u as like most of the time wen i help em its like individual situations...ex.. one of my mates was at our formal and i helped him with like alotta things...tho...
  18. Enoch

    Where will you be living next year?

    yeah thnx for the great feed back...nd yeah pretty serz bout going.. and ive had a look around the websites of all the houses(halls...we call em houses at my skool) ... im looking at putting : 1.john...the butch lesbians mite put me off tho.... 2.burgmann 3.bruce 4.ursula...
  19. Enoch

    ORGASMS - faking it, etc

    ....nah mate ur chloroform hadnt worn out yet....
  20. Enoch

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    ^....oohhhhh yeah!!!!..french maid WOULD DEFINATELY WORK.... amen niggarette