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  1. G

    MQ BOS-meetup no.somethingarather

    He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
  2. G

    Fasting Through The HSC

    I'm only eating Pork. :o
  3. G

    Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase

    I'd say thats highly possible.
  4. G

    rome total war

    The problem with that tactic is it often leads to riots and general discontent, which leads to civil revolts, so you end up back where you started. If you siege the city, and take it over via force you have the option of executing most the population, which helps keep down civil unrest. I...
  5. G

    MQ BOS-meetup no.somethingarather

    He sure is! :o
  6. G

    MQ BOS-meetup no.somethingarather

    That's my goulash, actually.
  7. G

    J&J Holiday Skin

    Who is it? Portman?
  8. G

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    You too, if he's anygood, right?
  9. G

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    Where does the stalk fit in Ms 12?
  10. G

    questions for you!

    That time of month again, is it?
  11. G

    To All You Latin People:

    I'm so hurt now.
  12. G

    WTF, i just want a website ripper

    Your girlfriend does law, mednez doesn't. Your honour, I rest my case.
  13. G

    WTF, i just want a website ripper

    Is downloading a website any different then viewing it? In both cases the site is essentially downloaded to the machine. I'm sure most copyright accounts for fair use.
  14. G

    WTF, i just want a website ripper

    Sorry my computer restarted randomly while typing a reply- The best is HTTrack Website Copier Oh, and great advice mednez, as usual. :rolleyes:
  15. G

    questions for you!

    Nice collection, but less helpful for WWI. And I don't do the rest of the topics.
  16. G

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    What's the matter, not good enough for MSN!? Well no MQ for you. Only kidding, I still love you. :o
  17. G

    To All You Latin People:

    sif it is. My pater could beat up yours.