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  1. G

    Trials :)

    Je sais Napoleon.
  2. G

    Does it?

    Do all of these predictions matter? Why?
  3. G

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    Maybe not if they where all at once, ney?
  4. G

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    You would be suprised; this is L&R afterall.
  5. G

    Relationships created on BOS - they do happen.

    Oh. That too, I guess.
  6. G

    Relationships created on BOS - they do happen.

    'sif there is any other reason for marriage. :o
  7. G

    Relationships created on BOS - they do happen.

    Well, thanks for thinking of me, but me and AsyLum are keeping it on the down-low. Hehe. Peanut. :p
  8. G

    Designer polo shirt Colours

    I like Polo shirts made from real Polo.
  9. G

    Relationships created on BOS - they do happen.

    *rips off mask* *girlish falsetto* Hi Steve!
  10. G


    You don't watch 'The Simpsons'. Forshame.
  11. G

    Presents for Teachers

    I'm going to make them a moment golden and true. :o
  12. G


    Are you in a place with towels?
  13. G

    Relationships created on BOS - they do happen.

    No, Argo and you aren't. You and someone else. Call me! xoxoxoxo
  14. G

    N E 1 play Far Cry???

    Yeah, it's the OMGTRIGENSKILLYOUINONESECONDANDNODEFENCEPOSSIBLE element that made me resort to cheats. Shame though, it was a fun game.
  15. G

    N E 1 play Far Cry???

    That happened to me as well. :o
  16. G

    Australia's Brainest Kid

    Yeah, that kid was a cad.
  17. G

    Australia's Brainest Kid

    I beat all of them! Hahahah! Now who is Australia's smartest kid! Me!
  18. G

    The Problem of Pamela Bradley

    <3 Hillard!