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  1. chris42

    Why can't I study maths!!!!!

    Yeah I know... I just want it to be over
  2. chris42

    Why can't I study maths!!!!!

    Yeah I SOOOO Wish that I did :P
  3. chris42

    Does anyone have algorithm questions to do ?

    Cool.. does that link work for you.. it says it doesn't exist for me ?
  4. chris42

    Does anyone have algorithm questions to do ?

    Hey I'm looking to practice how to do algorithms for the exam, does anyone have any algorithm questions to do ?
  5. chris42

    Why can't I study maths!!!!!

    Yeah I know.. What happens though when ever question you attempt doesn't work out.. grrr...!!
  6. chris42

    Why can't I study maths!!!!!

    Hey, Have any of you find it near impossible when it comes to studying maths... Any time I try whatever I learn it seems to go in one ear and out the other. Then I end up throwing my pen out the window!!!! :confused: Any one experiencing a similar thing ?
  7. chris42

    How many essays have you written since year 12 started?

    As I was going through the cleaning up phase of chucking out alot of my english work, I was amazed to find how many essays I've written since year 12, any people got estimates on how many essays they did since the beggining of year 12 ?
  8. chris42

    I would like to propose a toast

    yes no more strictly ballroom thankyou!!!
  9. chris42

    Who agrees?

    Yeah I thought paper 2 was quite a bit easier.
  10. chris42

    BoS went easy on us?

    Yeah I loved the essays.. its what i've been doing since term 1, essays essays essays.
  11. chris42

    The Official Module C - Texts and Society (Section III) Thread

    Consumerism was good, it was interesting that they asked for 2 related texts though, most previous years questions asked only for one. But it was a good essay question.
  12. chris42

    Any annoyances during the exam ?

    Hey did anyone experience anyonance's like car alarms going off or the similar things like ?
  13. chris42

    The Official Module A - Experience Through Language (Section I) Thread

    Image - Strictly Ballroom was good, being an essay I was very pleased with it :)
  14. chris42

    How much did you write?

    A - 10 B - 7 C - 6 I amazed myself I finished it all in time, it was a good paper though :)
  15. chris42

    The Official Module B - Close Study of Text (Section II) Thread

    Macbeth was good, It was an essay type question which was great, and it wasn't too hard to relate different sections of the text and quotes to the question.
  16. chris42

    Aria's 2003

    Hey, Did anyone watch the aria' awards tonight? What did you think of it ?
  17. chris42

    Are YOU ready?

    I'm pretty ready.. just need to do a good thesis for the question.
  18. chris42

    Macbeth Help Needed

    Well important thing for you to understand is the main themes :- -False Appearance e.g "Fair is foul and foul is fair" -Internal punishment can be more powerful than external punishment -Man -Ambition -Evil deeds don't always result in happiness for the murderers "better be with the dead...
  19. chris42

    Image - Related Texts

    Gone Bush by Mike Bowers, - newspaper article, Babe by Kennedy Miller Children by Nancy Keesing