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  1. chris42


    Yeah.. Its amazing the service survived the 350 something members that hit it today... I think when I'll have to get into early after the exam finishes..
  2. chris42

    How much sleep did you get?

    I didn't have too bad sleep, I went to bed about 12:00, then I managed to sleep, until 6:00. Then I was in semi-sleep until 7:30
  3. chris42

    Will u get marks off for not writing about sept 11 in that poem?

    I hope not. I didn't realise that it was about that..
  4. chris42

    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    This one was really annoying in that the specified what you had to write about which previous years papers hadn't, but I managed to somehow get around doing the rock climbing one and even put some of a story I had thought about of class into it.
  5. chris42

    Discuss your thoughts in #hsc - irc channel on AustNet!! (nt)

    I was wondering, how do you get onto that channel ?
  6. chris42

    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    This one was really annoying in that the specified what you had to write about which previous years papers hadn't, but I managed to somehow get around doing the rock climbing one and even put some of a story I had thought about of class into it.
  7. chris42

    Ideas for the main site

    The forum upload idea sounds great, I've been using an upload script for my website for a while, when I was at school, worked great as the school blocked ftp
  8. chris42

    Official Question 1 Thread - Textual Analysis

    I thought for text two that some of the sentences were ironic or sacrastic, like in the fact of "How beautiful the raindrop that is not part of a flood." The other two texts weren't too hard to interpret, Text 3 included a metaphor about the earth being an island I think too.
  9. chris42

    How was the exam guys?

    It wasn't too bad, section 2 threw me with them specifying what we could write about in the creative writing section. But the rest of the paper was pretty good..
  10. chris42

    how many are using THE DOOR?

    The Door and Sky High both know.. just depends what question it is will effect which one I will use.
  11. chris42

    Last Few Hours

    Yeah, I think sleep sounds good to me... listen to some music.. dream of change. :p
  12. chris42

    school uniform?? People's thoughts about school uniform
  13. chris42

    What will u do on the last weekend?

    I decided to take Sat off, do some revision for the texts on Sunday and then went to the beach :)
  14. chris42

    Who needs to wear school uniform to the exams ?

    Hey, I just found out that we are forced to wear our school uniform to the exams, are any of your school's doing the same to you ?
  15. chris42

    What are people thinking of doing next year?

    I'm thinking of going to Macquarie doing Bachelor of Business
  16. chris42

    how to stop story telling?

    And what's the nature of change...
  17. chris42

    Help Me Plz!!!

    I think it is a good idea to have some premade essays you know so that when the question comes, you can draw upon a number of your good essays bits and relate them to the question they ask you.
  18. chris42

    I'm a bit worried, my study habits..

    Yeah, we just need to try and stay as least stressed as possible and try the best, and thats all that we can do.
  19. chris42

    What are people thinking of doing next year?

    I tried to do a poll, there was some problem and It didn't allow me to do one..