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  1. anyone find it hard to get over someone?

    Dont.. thats jst like passing that feeling to some1 else, its cruel, i have a friend thats doing it right now nd i hate her 4 doing that Anyways, back to wat Xinxin was saying No, its too easy for me i sometimes think im heartless, but within the time after i get dumped or i dump some1...
  2. what wouldnt you put up with?

    Totally agree with u i cant stand lies, the moment i kno if my gf's lying, i ask them if they hav anything they that they r hidding from me nd suppose to tell me, nd i can mayb wait a while when they'r ready, but if they dun tell me at all, i'll get super pissed nd its end of story also i cant...
  3. Endurance?

    Have u askd her if she's only worried about pleasing u? nd tell her not to stop (while in action) and shes giving u good sex! or dun have sex then LOL
  4. Do your parents approve?

    Yes, they do approve, mainly because they think im still too young and cant go that far to marrying some1 at my age (16 nd 1/2) But whenever i introduce my (new) gf, to them they jst say hi nd b polite and all that, ask a bit of stuff about them nd change the topic like "oh we nid to go to go...
  5. Lineage2?? 0.o

    Any1 here plays Lineage2 or Ragnarok? My lineage2 server My Ragnarok server
  6. The removalists

    Owned, no replies in a whole week, good luck in getting another reply :D
  7. Confusing Dream.

    all i have to say is dream dont mean a thing katy so dun worrie
  8. If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Re: when did you lose your virginity? 15 :D im naughty
  9. whats the best way 2 ge ova sumone?

    i suggest sleeping :D, thats wat i do.. not to mention that i do it all the time, nd like 7th sign said, get out nd do stuff u did b4, be urself nd even be hypo to get urself happy if u have to
  10. what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    LOL by the time girls get married, they prob had sex a few hundred times and same as guys im just generalising :P
  11. getting a gf/bf without trying

    So true, ive had about 5 ex'es, the thing is only 1 lasted more then a yr, hell only 1 lasted more then 3months nd guess wat, im only 16 1/2. but NO, u dun and wont get any1 if u sit at home all the time, no matter how good looking or how good ur personality is...
  12. Saying "hi" to your friend's ex...

    i dun c a problem in saying hi, wats the big deal? jst dont go 4 her
  13. I need advice =)

    I agree with Mike, shud jst see her more, dont make it obvious nd Davs right too, again u shud see her more often and if she said lets jst b friends, then b friends with her n get over the feelings at the same time, + u neva kno wats gona happen, mayb 1 morning she wud wake up nd decide to like...
  14. Wud u wait?

    LOL, i think i kno her better then that.. da thing is i cant help but like her and one side of mes telling me 2 wait da other sides telling me 2 do something about it... + i dun like making some1 choose between 2ppl y? bcoz last time some1 made me choose nd i picked my ex's hatred over my...
  15. Wud u wait?

    Right now im in this realie awful situation: Im obsessed with this girl, whos pretty decent BUT, she had been going out with this other guy for a while and a few weeks ago they had a fight.. this few days i've got no idea wat shes gona do nd she wudnt tell me wat theyr like atm... (she knos...
  16. what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    Heres my like/dislike list - Hate girls that- annoying girl gets all hypo nd comes nd hug u 4 nothing lies - not acceptable!!!:burn: wears almost nothing :mad1: too skinny got a loud, annoying voice - Eardrums BUSRTING!!:bomb: not hot but thinks shes hot :mad1: pretends that she wants u...
  17. Economics assignment...

    Go to ur local library nd go up to reference section, then find the economys party nd there should b some thick books that talks about other countries economic status but u need to find the most recent on the internet... im not sure if evry library have them but im sure the big ones do
  18. Economics Notes

    U copied that from Leading Edge didnt u... -____-" ah well, i dun nid to read the whole thing now that u hav typed it up me (just that chapter)
  19. Topic 6 Demand, essay nided (yr11)

    Just wanted to ask, had any1 written any essay only on topic 6 demand? i read the one that was posted on the site WithoutWings gave me by Dylan nd he stopped 1/2 way.... some1 help me, i hav 2 write an essay at skool on demand nex Thursday
  20. Economics Notes

    thx Without Wings i'll use some time to look at it