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  1. I am insane

    why not consider this: you've spent 3 years together and in the mean time, he has occasional flings, you guys broke up for 2 years already, taking into account that you've been fighting with yourself for 2 years about a guy whos with someone else.. so dont you think its about time you move on...
  2. Lonely

    occupy yourself at all times even in the shower, you can sing by yourself.. lol smoke a cigar and have a nice coffee at the local coffee shop, or dont smoke actually, thats bad.. :P
  3. Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    Application of Cal. - projectile motion - change of rates
  4. Eco Essays Need Urgent Help

    thats the problem, i've never had one that needs to refer to the stimulus + i've had a substitute for 4 weeks and she didnt teach us jackall, now our teachers back and she gave us this.... which i have no idea of how to do it course i dont even know what CPI or factors that contributes to...
  5. Eco Essays Need Urgent Help

    Essay1 Q23 from SGS 07 1/2yrly paper Discuss the factors that contribute to the problem of unemployment and discuss the consequences of unemployment for the Australian Economy. Give Infos Labour Market Indicators Graph* The number of employed person increased by 3% over the year to Janunary...
  6. do you prefer the lights on or off?

    lets say its jst more adventurous
  7. What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    i find girls who is so Ugly that i cant eat with her without throwing up every 20 secs; has Huge Acne Problems; has a Crazy Laugh; talks loudly; doesnt balance their life out (eg Bookworm girls); are Affraid (or whatever) of Kissing + Pashing; get Easily Insecure; Use words and pretend they...
  8. do you go out with someone a second time?

    you never know, i'd say go for it and if 2nd time dont work 3rd, 4th, 5ths wont either so 2nd time is the last time i'd do it
  9. Wanting a relationship at the "wrong time"

    How much more Ignorant do you want to be fOxY? You should be thankful i dont know you, cause if i know you, i mightn't be able to resist to throw a toilet with full of shit at you B.T.W. Open you eyes for once, like Girls dont hurt guys rofl pea brain bitch, no wonder you need to study so...
  10. getting used to being single

    Go Shopping Spree Like Ur_inner_child said, preoccupy yourself do something fun and gets you away from thinking about your ex. What i did once was i slept about 18 hours a day for 3 days and after that, the sadness and the heavy-heart feeling were gone~~ I'd be worrying about myself if i were...
  11. Good conversation starter to a random girl.

    Go up there and talk to her, make sure you present yourself nice and smoothly or... stalk her, see if she knows anyone you know If your that lucky it'd be much easier i live around the NS area, what school does she go to? if you don't know.. describe it to me.. btw.. whats with Avril...
  12. Personal Digital Assistant?

    anyone here owns a PDA (Palm)? If anyone does, where do you download the programs such as entertainment softwares, games etc? Also if you have an HP one, where do you buy accessories (IN Sydney)?
  13. Call-barring

    duno about if you can "call-bar" someone but you can always divert selected calls to some1 else, eg.Kids Help Line, Pizza Hut :D or everytime he calls you, call up pizza hut order 10 pizza to "Richard"'s address with his name
  14. Balance of Payments

    This sites is very useful!! thx Without Wings
  15. The Next BIG THING

    1.) Set time and location to meet your gf/bf ON VALENTINES DAY and not turn up or hide somewhere where you can see her but she can't and when you see her get there, sms her saying "sry your just not good enough, its over" 2.) Pay your friend to go red light district when you know the guy's...
  16. Which subject are you getting the most homework from?

    Maths and even if you're not getting most from maths i suggest you do a lot of practice in Maths because every topic you learn now will pop-up or will be assumbed knowledge
  17. Tess of the D'Urbevilles, English Ext.

    Poor Boy had no reply.. a lil help for you (i didnt do the text, but just something that might help you)!
  18. Physics!

    Yes, you're right it gets very hard in yr12 and i suggest you yr11s better pay attention to class (cos i didnt and i regret it so so much) James747~ Yes, i too, am dreaming beyond the skies, good luck to you buddie
  19. I've screwed up physics already

    Yes you have, and same here!! i get the same advice from graduated people that did physics they told me to try and understand it, if you can't then just memorize the stuff and if you cant remember it,
  20. Physics HSC Study Guides & Textbooks

    Re: The best physics textbook Macquaire Physics HSC guide f**k i hate these threads, just go look for yourself, everyones got different oppinions ffs