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  1. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    Hahaha lol, shame for you that the uniform is polo top and pants lol
  2. L

    shit timetable

    Yea that!! How sucky is that :( so annoyed!
  3. L

    shit timetable

    holy shit sandz that suxs!!! I cant get on to check my timetable cause it says the system has already had its maximum logins or some shit... Damn this and not having a comp at home!
  4. L

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: Getting to know you-(for UTSers only) :p Well guys since my laptop has died for the time being (at some comp place thing), most of my details are on my myspace at
  5. L

    Youth Allowance and parental income

    Yes any form of income will count, unless both your parents are unemployed and theres drastic situations it'll probably be hard for you to gain anything...
  6. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    I was there for the 11.30 session which ended up going till about 2ish by the time we got to station 7... Yea i thought it was weird that they were both coop stores but only this one stocked it however the course is also offered in the city. I'll just take in the equipment list to the city...
  7. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    Yea i actually asked the lady if i could purchase this stuff from the city/broadway coop shop and she was like only our store stocks it... i found that a bit weird but oh well :)
  8. L

    Do we bring our parents to enrolment/orientation day?

    Ummm my enrolment went for quite a while but i think thats because im doing the nursing course.. I was there for about 3hrs, the first line for the new students enrolment took about 30mins to get to the front quite a while but then the rest was fine :) Web enrolment was good they take you...
  9. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    Okies so that was what those boxes were today lol Yea i need to go back to the Kuringai campus and get the instruments cause they sold out of some of the stuff in the equipment package, and ill get the books too :) Should i just ask the people in there that im a first year nursing student...
  10. L

    Enrolment Day

    Yea my photo is alright couldve been better but oh well lol
  11. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    Hey guys do you know how we get our textbooks etc is there a booklist we get given or do we ask about it at the coop bookshop....
  12. L

    Do we bring our parents to enrolment/orientation day?

    I went to my enrolment today and there were quite a few parents there, so i guess you could bring them along if you want :)
  13. L

    CAf Status and Enrollment

    I went to my enrolment today and i didnt even get asked for half the papers they told us to bring... They didnt ask for the caf letter either..
  14. L


    I did the whoel build a timetable a few weeks ago and got a rough estimate that most days would be either full/half... However it might be a bit diff for you as you have the international studies course along side too
  15. L

    Orientation Day 12th or 20th?

    Well to the faculty welcome im going it alone since i dont know anyone else doing nursing at the city campus... BUt for the orientation day im going with a friend who is going to uts too :D
  16. L

    Orientation Day 12th or 20th?

    I think im gonna go to mine since the nursing faculty is pretty big and our enrolment (city campus) is combined with kuringai so it'll give me a chance to meet the people attending the city campus before semester starts.
  17. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    Yeps it counts! Well which one would you prefer to do pyschology or nursing. Nursing def seems to be more hands etc I wanted to do the int studies combined wiht nursing at uts however it is only offered at the kuringai campus so i prefered to go to the city, but with saying that it...
  18. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    Yay!! yea im excited about studying at the city campus, at the open days the place looked so nice lol Prob see you guys around even though im a 1st yr :P
  19. L

    Orientation Day 12th or 20th?

    I'll be attending the orientation day on the 12th i think it is :)
  20. L

    2007 UTS Offers

    Hey guys, i here your nursing students too :) I'll be attending the 11.30 enrolment session on tuesday as well :) This is my myspace so yea i'll prob see you guys around on the day