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  1. L

    Nursing Roll Call

    B. Nursing City campus full time 1st yr student here :)
  2. L

    2007 UTS Offers

    Hey guys ill be joining you i guess at the enrolment sessions next tues or weds since their all at the kuringai campus. However i am doing B. Nursing @ City campus Seeing you around :)
  3. L

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    YAY Bachelor Nursing City campus :) I wonder what lucky person got that scholorship though..... Congrats everyone :D
  4. L

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    Bachelor of nursing at UTS WOOOHOOO :D :D Scraped in with 10 points to spare :D
  5. L

    2007 UTS Offers

    Only another 7.5hrs and ill be able to check my offer in the paper if i get it early at 8 :)
  6. L

    Class of 06: what uni/course u doing ?

    Well hopefully tomorow night it should read B. Nursing @ UTS
  7. L

    just curious about how you tackle this topic...

    When i did my bio notes for this topic, they were just as long as yours are. For the very first time i read and then studied these notes. However as i studied, many concepts began to flow into each other and i didnt need to study big slabs of writing. I suggest that you stick with...
  8. L

    UTS advisory day

    Yea i know its for the final yr of the course, but yea im unsure whether they tell you at the start of the course or when... mmm i might send them an email later on
  9. L

    UTS advisory day

    Yea true true, thats what im hoping ive got a chance at getting or even working my butt off during hte yr to recieve it then... Do you know when they give out the nursing scholorship for highest UAI?? :)
  10. L

    Home and Away

    I'm really excited about the return of H&A it def does give for some good entertainment at 7pm each night. Ive read that there might be a re-run of the final episode or the sally montage, is this true, or is it just what they are showing in the add?
  11. L

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Big W, 17yrs old $10.35/hr However no longer recieving regular shifts so it suxs...
  12. L

    Maths Scaling

    Well i was getting an average of 68-70% internally for maths (with study and no tutor) and i ended up getting a mark of 80 overall. So if u try a bit more and many of hte concepts will become common to u, u should be able to get a band 3-4 :)
  13. L

    Nursing Textbooks?

    Yea im really interested as to what textbooks we'd be using in first yr etc :)
  14. L

    safety in experiments??

    Definately know this stuff, its pretty much standard stuff for most pracs, just some slight differences wiht some
  15. L

    How important...?

    It is pretty important but what i suggest is to go through allt he past papers. You will notice that there is always coordinate geometry on there (prelim) and Q1 is basic prelim stuff It is pretty important in the sense it buys u the easy marks which save u later when you may not be able to...
  16. L

    So i choose UTS over USYD or UNSW.

    Yea i ended up confirming my decision to stick with the UTS nursing course. They seem more practical and a few people who i know are nurses have recommended it, so im happy :)
  17. L

    How much time?

    During these hols make sure ur notes are done and start doing some notes for the next topic u will be covering in some of ur topics ( if possible so that u dont need to do this during the school term) Just read over them every now and then but yea these hols are prob ur last chance to enjoy...
  18. L

    is this stupid?

    Yea dont worry about the UAIs required just put the most wanted one first and so on... I have many higher preferences ranked as the lowest on my list too
  19. L

    UTS advisory day

    I didnt manage to get a pen from the nursing faculty at UTS :( oh well lol BUt i agree UTS had a really friendly atmosphere, im really excited to join their fitness centre too lol
  20. L

    Science Subjects

    Biology definately is a science, it might be less complicated as chem with formulas etc but it does require alot of memorising facts and information in order to understand concepts.