Search results

  1. L

    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    Got the rest of my results back today, gosh end of trials marks torture and back to study now.... Chemistry 82/100 [rank: 2/12] could possibly change and increase hoping here... Economics 85/100 [rank not sure prob top 4-5/12] Biology 79/93 [1/18 or something like that] Hoping now i...
  2. L

    Class MHC I & II and the like.

    Yea our bio teacher showed us an animation which went through all this MHC I and II but said we didnt need to know just know that there present and where. Same with the immunoglobins like IgA know theres main ones and maybe just one example of what one does/or is present in
  3. L

    Class of 06 Post up your trial results and ranks

    haha dw my marks are no where near the 90s most ppl are getting, so far have gotten Eng Adv, Maths 2 unit and SOR back today Eng Adv: overall 83% [rank not sure] Maths 2 unit: haha 68% [rank: 5/29] SOR: 86% Ahhh chem and eco due back tomorow kill me
  4. L

    Why'd you choose Chem?

    Well sorta got roped into doing chem since there was nothing else on the line, but now i really enjoy it, have so much fun cause another of my friends does it and our teacher rocks so it makes learning the stuff more enjoyable
  5. L

    Prohibition of Receiving a UAI.

    Yea being away from school really isnt an advantage esp for a big period of time... i get so much good resources from my teachers without it would just double my workload in the long run. And yea fgor being away a doc certificate is required for assessment tasks otherwise its automatic 0
  6. L

    CSSA Trial Exam 2006

    Yea i finished the exam with bout 45mins to spare cause i ended up slowing down in the last hour cause i didnt wanna sit there and do nothing at the end... Even though had the spare time it was an alright paper wouldve been better if i studied more... oh well HSC to make up for it all :)
  7. L

    Yay I finished Trials yayness thread

    WOOO TRIALS ARE OVER!!!! So excited i can actually relax for like a week at this rate but still better than sitting in my confined room and looking at paper after paper. Got through it now only the HSC to go woooo
  8. L

    CSSA Economics Trial

    Eco was alright, the essays werent too bad, at least i could do them as i was sick the day before so couldnt study the last topic overly well, but was pretty alright commong areas of exchange rates, and some calcs explored in the short answers, still think im gonna go crap cause of my essays...
  9. L

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    I agree the calculations always get me, its a thing that unless ur really sure about it, theres so much element of doubt bout it, so annoyingggg!!! What option do u ppl do?
  10. L

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    Woo 2 to go!!! ok this week went really quick yet really slow at the same time, feels weird that the trials are nearly over and now so close to the last set of exams. Chem was alright-pretty bad today, wish hadnt of had eco this week, wouldve spent so much more time on chem, oh well over now
  11. L

    CSSA Chemistry Trials

    yea that trial was pretty so so, actually pretty crap since i crammed in like a day for it. The questions were so yuck but i guess they were pretty typical of a CSSA trial for chem....
  12. L

    Hsc or world cup?

    Definately balancing both work and the world cup, come on the world cup comes round every 4 years ofcourse u gotta watch, theres plenty of time to get hw done b4 the games start at 11pm that nite, works out perfectly
  13. L

    please help yr 11 n 12 economic students

    Eco has its ups and downs for me, but recently its been getting really boring.... I think cause i do 2 sciences and eco is very diff....
  14. L

    Assistance with an economics essay

    hey, i just handed in an essay like this except we had to do both macro and micropolicies. Basically the micropolicies are used in order to help the aggregate supply within in an economy in the long run. So factors such as productivity, innovation, competitiveness are improve by microeconomic...
  15. L

    Leading Edge June Lectures: Zenith Theatre

    I shall be going to the lecture on august 31st with my school group, should be good sum up of the course
  16. L

    Jerseys for yr 12 2006! (merged)

    Well our year got our jerseys at the start of Term 2, but i had to send mine back cause they sent me the wrong size. Yea well 5 WEEKS LATER AND I STILL HAVE NO JERSEY!!! So angry they are so sloowww i bet they have forgotten bout it....
  17. L

    hello all!

    Yea i totally despise of authority who do not use their power and knowledge for good!!! Happens in all work places and its always the little guys who get blamed. But i'm excited to start studying nursing at UTS hopefully next year, hopefully i get to work with children some time down the...
  18. L

    HSC Timetable

    Re: 2006 Higher School Certificate Timetable Ive got a pretty good timetable got fri= eng, mon = eng, mon= maths, mon= bio, tues = eco, thurs = SOR1 and last day fri = chem Not too bad can't complain cause i dont double up and basically have 1 exam a week at the start giving me time to keep...
  19. L

    2006 Logie Awards

    aahhaah the playschool thing was so cute, brings back childhood memories
  20. L

    2006 Logie Awards

    Wooo the NRL footy show got it!!