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  1. ahen

    a competitive industry?

    lol i wouldn't mind so much if i could run around like ugly betty, but...i don't want to end up a work- a-holic that kind of thing you know? i'd just really like to know if the stereotype of the media industry is true or not though i don't know what i'll do when i find out if it is or isn't...
  2. ahen

    a competitive industry?

    i'm considering doing Media and communications but i've heard that its a very very cut throat competitive industry as well as being very white dominated- i have nothing against white people, i've just heard that being non-white in this industry could work against me. are these just myths or are...
  3. ahen

    a competitive industry?

    i'm considering doing Media and communications but i've heard that its a very very cut throat competitive industry as well as being very white dominated- i have nothing against white people, i've just heard that being non-white in this industry could work against me. are these just myths or are...
  4. ahen

    a competitive industry?

    i'm considering doing Media and communications but i've heard that its a very very cut throat competitive industry as well as being very white dominated- i have nothing against white people, i've just heard that being non-white in this industry could work against me. are these just myths or are...
  5. ahen

    Arts Psych major...what else

    um i'm pretty sure there's a difference between BA psych and just majoring in psych and yeah the main difference is that in BA Psych you get to go on to an honours but in BA majoring in psych you don't. which kinda sucks because the BA psych UAI IS SO FREAKIN HIGH WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO...
  6. ahen

    bhakti movement

    i've been cruising the net for a little while now and i cannot seem to find anything on how the contribution of the bhakti movement affects adherents in hinduism. and there's nothing in our 'living religion" textbook either, anyone have any ideas? thanks
  7. ahen

    So, whats the social life like at UNSW?

    don't worry i'm not backing down, i still maintain that its easier to handle being surrounded by swarms of asians if you're coming from a selective school. Especially if say, you're coming from somewhere up in the northern beaches where an asian or a curry is more like a novelty if its not the...
  8. ahen

    what's the social life like at UTS?

    no not the psych course but i'm also considering communications so i might go there for that :D
  9. ahen

    Major works and scaling

    yeah thats what we're worried about in ext 2, or we were, because people kept dropping it ( including, eventually , me) and now there's only one person left and she can't really come 1/1 and expect that to scale her purely on her rank.
  10. ahen

    arts/psych or media and comms?

    i'm currently very confused about whether or not i want to do psychology or media and communications, obviously i'll be the one to make that final decision :P but i was just wondering if you guys could give me some advice. - i want to go to USYD because socially it looks like a very happening...
  11. ahen

    what's the social life like at UTS?

    i hear lots of things about how the place is pretty boring and of course its appearance...but what's it REALLY like?
  12. ahen

    USYD - snobbery?

    oh for fucks sake, its called RESEARCH i'm here checking out which uni's are better so that i know what to put on my UAC application and last time i checked the best way to find out was to go and speak to people that actually go to uni. not other people who are just as lost as i am (which is...
  13. ahen

    Where's best?

    i want to do arts/psych too, i'm surprised that USYD apparently doesn't have very good psych facilities i mean, the UAI is so bloody high you'd think you were getting some sort of grand education or something *grumbles about extremely high UAIs*
  14. ahen

    where should i go for advertising?

    hmm yeah i've been considering advertising too, but i was thinking about the copywriting side of it. basically i'm considering it cos i like the kind of stuff that gets done in english regarding advertising, but is that relevant to any sort of job out there or is it just crap you do at school...
  15. ahen

    USYD - snobbery?

    who was that directed to? and just for the general record I PERSONALLY do not think that USYDers are more snobby than anyone else, was simply something that i saw cropping up on the UNSW forum and was curious.
  16. ahen

    So, whats the social life like at UNSW?

    nah i wasn't comparing high school and uni, was just saying that at selective schools its basically all asian and curries , so if you went to a selective high, and then you go to UNSW then you won't really notice THAT PARTICULAR difference. it was 12 am and i was stressed and tired, so i'm...
  17. ahen

    07 Gendered Languageers!

    we did "power in gender' in yr 11 as our AOS topic for advanced so that's helping a lot , bascially because my teacher is useless i'm surviving off my advanced notes -_- how fucked is that. we're doing tannen, The floor of Heaven and Elizabeth but for some reason our largest weighted assessment...
  18. ahen

    UAI of 65??

    ancient history and religion don't scale down do they? i was told they scale up
  19. ahen

    So, whats the social life like at UNSW?

    -.- yes i'm sure my life and personal experiences are full of inaccuracies