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  1. ahen

    please help yr 11 n 12 economic students

    oh gawd i HATE ECONOMICS!!! i swear it is the most boring mind numbing subject ever!!! DO NOT CHOOSE IT URGH , i did it cos i needed the 2units and the other subjects on that line were just as crappy. I CANT WAIT TO DROP IT AT THE END OF THE YEAR!!! GAH! i do ancient history and though it's...
  2. ahen

    preliminary essay help!!!

    hey omg i really really suck at eco and we have an assessment on friday - in class essay and i have no clue what to write! here's the question explain the factors which determine the supply and demand of labour and analyse the possible impacts of recent industrial relations changes on the...
  3. ahen

    Is CAFS a girl subject? Are there any guys doing it?

    Re: Is CAFS a girl subject there's about 25 people who do preliminary cafs and 3 guys who do it. one's allegedly gay so i don't think he's the type who would really care what people think or say about him being in a "girls subject" the other two i barely notice cos they never ever say anything...
  4. ahen


    gah we're doing othello next as an area of study or something in advanced, for extension we're doing the merchant of venice. in fact we went to see the play about a week or two ago- it was just weird- the story was good but the actors were strange. we did macbeth in yr 8 , hamlet in yr 9 and...
  5. ahen

    Girls Please Answer This.

    metrosexuals are hot!!!
  6. ahen

    how do u know if you're gay/bi?

    was just wondering, how do u know if you're gay/lesbian/ bisexual? cos i hear a lot of people "just know" but then a lot of people seem to discover it later on. my main question is how do u know if you're bi? that's gotta be hard, to distinguish between a friend and a crush? i dunno am just...
  7. ahen

    selective school

    screw em all and come macfields!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol nah , oh and about the subject thingos above? i say screw what other people say and scaling and all that blah blah blah , stick to your strengths and you'll do your best!
  8. ahen

    yr 11 English ext 1

    the gothic genre is in my opinion bloody excellent! we did it in yr 10 last year and i'd love to do it again! unfortunatley we did dracula ( i did that in yr 9 as well) and this jane austen book ( didnt seem very gothic but anyway) so yeah give us more info on your essay question yeah?
  9. ahen

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? wooot i go to macquarie fields high YEAH GO THE 200 SOMETHING RANK lolz nah for a povo semi selective school with a over over sized principal who uses all our money for his own food , we're pretty good =P
  10. ahen

    post colonial theory anyone??

    aha... i think i get it. tho there's a lot of preliminary resources as well but they have stuff on crime fiction and something about the global...something lol. or maybe those are just popular topics? anyway thanks for the insight
  11. ahen

    confused about units

    ooooh i see! thanks! =P
  12. ahen

    selective school

    yeah i go to macquarie fields (im in the selective half) and last year i had 5 of my close friends up and leave to go to schools like Hurlstone, girraween and the like. HEAPS of people tried out for other schools and a few of our people got reserve for fort st. and james ruse but most ended up...
  13. ahen

    confused about units

    hey peoplies!! im currently having this problem with working out my units for next year ( yr 12) i know it's probably some simple thing but yeah please help out. see these are the subjects i do: english advanced (2u) english ext(1u) religion(1u) anc hist(2u) visual arts(2u)...
  14. ahen

    post colonial theory anyone??

    hey you guys!:) at my school we're study postcolonial texts such as "Heat and dust" and "jasmine" and "a passage to india" and we've done a bit of "rudyard kipling" yet it seems we're the only school doing this kinda thing because whenever i go to the HSC resource secion in my local library...
  15. ahen

    would you have taken 3u art?

    there was 3u art??? when? where? how ? why? AAAAAAAAARGH dunno if i'd have taken it though. i seriously don't understand half of what goes on in the classroom. i just use my english skills to analyse art works and for my prac i just draw and take photos and it's worked so far.
  16. ahen

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    what the hell? at macfields high we've done "power in gender relations"( i never want to hear about sylvia plath ever again in my life) and now we're just finishing off utopia/dystopia ( utopia is the most retarded book and pleansantville is a kickarse movie) and we're going to finish off with...