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    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows There's a game you can play to get the official announcement that the title of the last Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Go to Click on the eraser on her desk. Click the knob on the open door in the...
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    Poincare conjecture solved

    Science magazine has announced that Perelman's proof is the "breakthrough of the year" for 2006:
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    Comparison of Maths Ext 2 books

    Option 4 is best.
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    Congratulations to Stephanie Wan Jing Wang from James Ruse Agricultural High School for coming first in the state for Mathematics Extension 2 for 2006. The full list of first places for 2006 are available at which I put...
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    Fields Medals

    He's made it to the A-list for 2006 in today's Australian: It was a dazzling win by one of our most accomplished sons, and yet it went virtually unnoticed. On August 22, Adelaide-born mathematician Terence Tao, 31, won maths' equivalent of the Nobel Prize, the Fields Medal, awarded by the...
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    MANSW Conference

    Yep. Especially for teachers - but maybe also for serious maths students. I typed up the notes yesterday which was a bit of a rush job. So I've fine-tuned it (apologies if that means you have to download again).
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    MANSW Conference

    I put up some notes at (Updated Dec. 14, 2006)
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    How do you get 2Theta from z^2 ?

    Even more obvious if you use Euler's formula e<sup>i&theta;</sup>=cis(&theta; ) cis(t+s)=e<sup>i(t+s)</sup>=e<sup>it</sup>e<sup>is</sup>=cis(t).cis(s). As for De Moivre's Theorem, (cis(&theta; ))<sup>n</sup>=(e<sup>i&theta;</sup>)<sup>n</sup>=e<sup>in&theta;</sup>=cis(n&theta; ) and true for...
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    Fields Medals

    The December AMS Notices have been released and carry a new article on the Fields medals at in which it says that the next Fields medals will be awarded on Aug. 19, 2010, in India at the Hyderabad International Convention Center.
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    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    Which schools and which teachers would tolerate this crap? Would the perpetrators of this crap do it on the understanding that it would be tolerated?
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    Fields Medals

    Tao has just won the 2006 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize:
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    Terry Lee - Advanced Mathematics

    You guys can order it directly from Terry Lee's company, HSC Coaching from his website Hope that helps. He also has free downloadable extracts at Hope that helps more.
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    HSC Revision Thread 2006

    ADE should be ADC
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    2003 hsc paper

    You can also do it with continued fractions.
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    2003 hsc paper

    I put up solutions for the 2003 paper at There is an alternative way to prove irrationality of pi at the end of the file
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    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    OK. I've voted now and ticked all the boxes.
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    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    I think there should be an "all the above" option in the list. That's the one I would have ticked. So I haven't voted. (For the record, I have actually taught at all these levels) Of course noone would be doing maths at uni if noone does maths at school. And noone will do maths at school if...
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    trialz paper

    You should do them yourself. But I have put up some solutions for the 2003, 2004, 2005 HSC papers at (8b only) respectively. I have printed...
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    trialz paper

    Here's some: