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  1. GoodToGo

    Favourite band(s)

    Hawthorne Heights doing it for the 'music' and the 'fans'?? PLEASE! They epitomise all that's wrong with the screamo scene. I must give them kudos for jumping on to trend and makign a quick buck with their crap. Even Simple Plan are more about the music than HH. Bright Eyes was the artist...
  2. GoodToGo

    Junior Legal Secretary Interview

    That's not a clerkship then. Clerkships are a formalised process. There are inter-firm functions, sporting competitions. The clerks will be wined and dined to their hearts content, and in return they do a little bit of work on the side, suck up and generally act like eager beavers. Dates for...
  3. GoodToGo

    Timetabling first year law units

    Hmm...well the law tutes are usually fine (provided you've done your readings) and the lectures area breeze. You can relax in most law lectures cos anything you miss (which is usually a lot of it) you can catch up on the I-lectures. It's not like accounting where they do working out on an...
  4. GoodToGo

    Study Abroad v Exchange?

    Harvard Business School > Wharton... but I agree with the gist of the comment.
  5. GoodToGo

    Timetabling first year law units

    Lecture and tute back to back is fine. I'll probably have to do that this semester due to other committments, but I generally prefer having a break between each class (unless it's a 1 hour class). Having said that, you don't want too many breaks which result you being at uni from 9-6. Law...
  6. GoodToGo

    Junior Legal Secretary Interview

    Not quite. You have to do college of law (or equivalent). Part of this is the practical a law firm, legal centre etc. All up it takes 6 months to a year I think. A clerkship (should u be one of the few fortunate souls to get one) is merely summer work and the likelihood of a...
  7. GoodToGo

    Sex Before Marriage

    I guess religion has a part to play with it. I was raised in an atheist household so I think that plays a huge part on my views.
  8. GoodToGo

    2006 Units

    cos asians normally induce a panic attack and all..
  9. GoodToGo

    American Dad

    After watching the Season 2 box set of the Family Guy, I'm pretty over it. American Dad's pretty awesome.
  10. GoodToGo


    Yep. I think we're a few seasons behind America. 10am is such a shit timeslot.
  11. GoodToGo

    Grey's Anatomy

    The main chick is so fugly..
  12. GoodToGo


    I rate it, but then I've only started watching it on and off the last 2 weeks and I generally enjoy aussie drama that isn't neighbours or home and away. Quite a plot twist last night with the connection between Freya/Simone and Heath's dad. By far the most interesting plot line on the show. I...
  13. GoodToGo

    Timetable Question

    I wouldn't think POL's a safe bet for an iLecture... You'll just have to see. :)
  14. GoodToGo

    Sex Before Marriage

    LOL. I somehow don't think they maintain shiny gineys...but I'll let them answer. Quite frankly I'm shocked by the number of people waiting till marriage. It's just...unfathomable. You should give it a go...I'm sure you'll like it. I also think sparkl3z is exaggerating the number of people...
  15. GoodToGo

    DAILY TELEGRAPH - Top 200 schools

    haha, I'm sure Johnny Howard would be proud of his alma mater...
  16. GoodToGo

    confusion over combined law course

    And 5 years isn't long?? Unless you want to be an economist or go into a finance related career, go with arts/law.
  17. GoodToGo

    Most Popular Uni for 05' Graduates.

    *Shakes head* USYD's a hole...some nice buildings which you might be lucky to have 1 class in, but the rest of it is pretty ordinary. Good transport though if you believe a bus is superior to driving.
  18. GoodToGo

    Constitutional Law amendments: Which are you doing?

    I'm having trouble adding units...but I think it might be because I have an outstanding library fine.
  19. GoodToGo

    Uni Excursions

    Haha, 'excursions'. Sounds so...primary school. You can do a legal centre/advocacy placement as a subject if you study law. And contrary to an earlier post, virtually every law school has this.
  20. GoodToGo

    What subjects you doing next semester?

    Sem 1 Advanced Torts Trade Practices Law Trial Advocacy Sem 2 Litigation Legal Ethics Dispute Management and Resolution ...though I might drop Trial Advocacy and do Entertainment Law at the SCU-Byron Bay Summer School.