Search results

  1. GoodToGo

    UTS vs. UNSW

    I don't think they'd give you a straight answer...they have to be diplomatic. Just out of curiosity, why so keen on getting practical experience within your subjects? I mean a TAFE is REALLY practical...that doesn't make it preferable to a university degree. An employee would consider your...
  2. GoodToGo

    2006 Mac students

    I've heard its not that practical though if you want to get into print journalism...
  3. GoodToGo

    Ethnic orientation of students

    EFS refers to the Division of Economic and Financial Studies Not to be confused with ECFS - Economics, Commerce and Finance. Stupid name for a soc...shoulda just called it ComSoc.
  4. GoodToGo

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    Ahh, I was once a BBA/Psych student as well...bailed once I encountered STATs. I think there's an image that law and lawyers are tied to extravagance...perhaps even decadance. It is a professional, elite industry and it's the lawyers with the million dollar harbour views in Sydney's best...
  5. GoodToGo

    Uni Advice - UOW or move to Usyd?

    Like I said, cultural cringe factor. Plus being "better taught" is not that important factor in post-graduation career outcome in law. No matter how much USYD lags behind in teaching compared to is such a traditional field, USYD will be perceived to be the oldest and the best. How...
  6. GoodToGo

    2006 Units

    You can pick your units, but I don't think you can enrol till Jan 9th.
  7. GoodToGo

    Ethnic orientation of students

    Like Shire bogan/yobbo Australian? Depends on the degree. For e.g. in Law it's predominantly anglo...with a few from a jewish background. No International students whatsoever. Humanities tends to be nearly all anglo as well. Pysch and Media is mostly (hot) anglo girls. Life Sciences...
  8. GoodToGo

    Uni Advice - UOW or move to Usyd?

    I'd still go to USYD if I were you. In some circles there is still a cultural cringe factor with's stupid because some of the other unis have really high, perhaps superior teaching. Even employers have been known to say "Ohh, you go to UOW/MQ/UTS/UWS...well good luck with...
  9. GoodToGo

    Question for Actuarial Students

    If you want money I wouldn't go into law...unless you plan to get into USYD or otherwise be at the very top of your class at any other uni with kick-arse extra curriculars and a flawless interviewing technique.
  10. GoodToGo

    best uni for international business

    But wouldn't UNSW's exchange opportunites with Wharton, Berkeley etc only be available for a very select number of students, like HD avg? I think the govt gives something like $6million to help fund international exchange in Australian universities. $4million out of the $6million is received...
  11. GoodToGo

    Differences between USYD and UNSW for B Comm

    I could think of a thousand better jobs than Big4 accounting...but each to their own I guess. USYD owns in Govt, IR, International Relations (NOT International Business) Macq owns in Actuarial, HR But I'd have to say if you're looking to major in something outside of those areas, it's...
  12. GoodToGo

    So, i got 98.. what course?

    If you're serious about number 4, then Hong Kong University-Kensington campus....oops I meant UNSW, is a clear winner. My review of campus aesthetics in Sydney: UNSW is ugly...and reminds me of Canberra...which is never good. Fake sandstone steps anyone? Plus the uni is practically in...
  13. GoodToGo

    Uni Advice - UOW or move to Usyd?

    USYD ofcourse. Do the whole Newtown sharehouse thing... I never got a chance to do that as a result of going to Macquarie. Hence I reside in a far more "civilised" (and more boring) suburb NORTH of the Parra river. :rolleyes:
  14. GoodToGo

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    Well that's not really a problem as such. You meet so many new people at uni that you tend to break off a lot of old ties anyway. And as I say to all Law School newbies, get comfortable with the people at your first law'll be spending the next 5 years with them. =) You...
  15. GoodToGo

    efc club

    I was a member last year. It's called ECFS. The Harbour Cruise was good. Some really (really) hot girls were there...and when it's all you can drink, you know it's gonna go off! A good mix of hot aussie, american, european and local/non-fobby asian ladies. The End of Year Ball was at...
  16. GoodToGo

    Holidays are too long.

    Indeed, the end of year break is too long, for those not going away for any significant amount of time, such as moi.
  17. GoodToGo

    Results Out

    That's only for SIBT students..
  18. GoodToGo

    Does Estudent Work Now???

    Works ok...just a little slow at times.
  19. GoodToGo

    exam results...

    Why doesn't the uni just reveal results as they get them, so they will be staggered. So for e.g. subjects with 3 people would get them straight after the exam period and subjects with 1500 would get them towards mid december. That would stop people overloading the server at the same time.
  20. GoodToGo

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    Yeah, tough choice. The best pscyh program in NSW vs the synergous combo of Environ Mgt/LLB, with enviromental law being one of MQ law school's strengths (along with international law and legal history). Sly fly's right. MQ tends not to create unnecessary boundaries of association amongst...