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  1. MoNNiE

    Usyd vs UTS (Open DAY)

    open days.. hmm.. well i found that the open days made myself confused with what i was initially aiming for..! but then again, the open days provided additional information about vairous requirements of the course (ie what the course involves) and if u can't get into the course u realli wanted...
  2. MoNNiE

    Usyd vs UTS (Open DAY)

    building 10 is the IT building.. i have to say i like it alot ^^.. can't say too much about the egineering building (building 1 (tower) and building 2) though, we do get a nice view from the class rooms :p building 4 sucks.. too much construction going on..
  3. MoNNiE

    Wallabies vs. Boks

    fuck i hate you spring boxers!!! T.T But they were playing the better game in the end... *sigh* no tri nations cup for aus...
  4. MoNNiE

    Jet Li/Hero

    yer its been out in asia for quite abit.. so so i gues :/
  5. MoNNiE

    Happy Birthday to our Moderator sunny

    no way.. its ur birthday Sunny! happy {insert age} birthday :p
  6. MoNNiE


    psht! haha...u know if i didn't give u my locker key i can gareentee u'll be still walking around uts with ur lab coat underneath!!
  7. MoNNiE


    i've never seen u in jeans.. so how can u say that! ur a trench coat dude.. who wears trousers.. on occassions a hooded jumper!
  8. MoNNiE


    indeed!! knowing robert in person... it just doesn't fit!! and yeah panda bear i had them little craps in the lift when i was going up to level 24.. these 3 chicks that came from sydney girls.. haha "ohhh lets press all the buttons!!" & "omg, he soo likes me!" i just smirked at them... but...
  9. MoNNiE


    hab fun wif it dudes :p lolz.. i know i did.. just one word of advice.. actually words.. don't leave the essay till late!
  10. MoNNiE

    Joey's concert~

    man i hate joey's hair style today + outfit >_<
  11. MoNNiE

    best uni for eng

    There is mass debate about which uni is the best for engineering... I got screwed over many times whilst i was doing my hsc trying to think which is the best for me... in the end i selected unsw because of its 'prestige' and how good everyone says it is... (Besides that I liked the uni!) But I...
  12. MoNNiE

    The Official "Opening Ceremony" & "Day One and Two" Thread.

    wth designed the Aus. uniform for the aussies.... serzly bad taste!
  13. MoNNiE

    Ashlee Simpson

    nah ashlee simpson is way kewl.. too bad her sister is jessica simpson.. bimbo =) back to the song i like that song too~!!
  14. MoNNiE

    The Greatest Book Ever Written

    padington bear adventures =) i would say oliver twist - i love u charles dickens
  15. MoNNiE

    Failed attempts

    i gues its just the feeling where u know you won't be able to get what you want.. and you just can't get your head around that idea.. does the chick dropped ne slight hints that she 'may' want to get into a relationship with in shes sort of playing with your emotions
  16. MoNNiE

    Failed attempts

    hmm.. if you know it will never work out i think it would be best to end it.. but end it on a happy note, cus at least you can look back and say to yourself .. and besides there are alot =more chicks/girls (i dunno ur gender) =) ".. even tohugh i knew it would never work.. at least we came out...
  17. MoNNiE


    beh.. so so.. the only days i look forward to are the finals of the swimming and the closing and opening ceremony.. i don't thikn i'll watch it.. finishes at 7am!! gah!
  18. MoNNiE

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    meh... i've just recently became rather addicted to it from the start of this year.... magnolia - it's all vain is pretty alrite
  19. MoNNiE

    how many words is a 5 min speech

    what i would suggest is write it out and then get someone to time you reading it.. by that you should get a general feel on how much u may need to cut back or add into your speech.. that's my two cents for tonight :)
  20. MoNNiE

    Girls that wear skimpy clothes

    supre isn't that bad.. i like some of the shirts they have... but i've never brought nething from there