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  1. MoNNiE

    Independent TRIAL examination Answers 2003

    BoS upload doesn't like me that much.. anyways. here are cssa 2003.. i've noticed someone has sumitted some already which is great! but i'll post these ones up neway 2003 CSSA solutions
  2. MoNNiE

    google IM

    exactly.. unless you could import lists from other msnger services... i might consider
  3. MoNNiE

    how much was ur formal dress?

    mine was 260 if i remembered correctly my friend brought a dress from my other friends mum's shop for $50 and then she altered the whole thing costing her an additional $200. i was like W-T-F! she had these nice swarovski ear rings and necklace aswell~! *sigh*
  4. MoNNiE


    it's better for you not to memorise that site, 1. sometimes what they write can be bit confusing 2. too much info ot remember!.. if you at least tried summerising your own work.. and then memorising -- the suscess rate of Regurgitating it in the hsc is much higher! plus you would understand...
  5. MoNNiE

    GMail Invites

    cN I have one ?~!
  6. MoNNiE

    UTS Information (Open) Day - Sat 28/08

    i got two balls :D i took my friends one cus he has too many at home
  7. MoNNiE

    Woest Olympics Ever?

    worst .. no dull.. a tad
  8. MoNNiE


    gai chow mein 請!
  9. MoNNiE


    my interpretation sucked so i deleted! pftt! dude let me enjoy tut week as a slob! =p
  10. MoNNiE


    fun gao ah!!!!!! /me gives robert evil eye man i'm so hypo tonite :p
  11. MoNNiE

    Yacht Buoy! wtf is Yacht Buoy?

    bleh~ i'll bring mine in... and shove it on ur head.. one size fits all!!! =D
  12. MoNNiE

    Yacht Buoy! wtf is Yacht Buoy?

    haha.. indeed.. it actually worked :p
  13. MoNNiE

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    :p no comment~
  14. MoNNiE

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    :o lol i didn't properly read that post~ omg! i couldn't do that!! i'll stick with my prickley place :p
  15. MoNNiE

    Civil Eng II

    the meriam & kraige book of dynamics ?! the statics one sucks bad aswell..
  16. MoNNiE

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    when your old... a difference 10 years when your young(age =< 17) a difference of 2 years that's my definition of young~
  17. MoNNiE

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    someplace prickley :P
  18. MoNNiE

    breaking up...

    no your not, your just human after alll... remember that
  19. MoNNiE


    bull crap! i asked them and they said i had to pay a feee, unless ur an international student!