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  1. fallenstar

    What UAI should I get?

    how can anyone even take a guess without an estimation of your marks?
  2. fallenstar


    You shouldn't ever tell anyone that. It's not a funny joke.
  3. fallenstar

    "Assessment Rank Order from 13 November"

    well done! :) what's your school rank? your school is so small; my Advanced English cohort is 100 (but my IPT cohort is the same as yours, hahah).
  4. fallenstar

    IPT Assessment Task help?

    You might be better off posting this in the IPT thread for 2009ers who have the new syllabus; I did 2008 IPT and it didn't require us to actually implement methodologies. Good luck
  5. fallenstar

    Society & Culture Raw Band Cutoffs & Aligning

    hey everyone I hope you all went well today, I loved it XD Just wondering if any past markers or informed students know, even approx, the raw band cutoffs for Society? i.e. what raw mark is needed to attain an aligned band 6? Thanks <3
  6. fallenstar

    Freedom After The HSC

    That's great, congratulations :) You will get the results you deserve. I finished today, it feels about the same as any other day; but it'll hit soon. Can't wait to visit my friends in syd next week XD
  7. fallenstar

    If you could go back to the beginning of the HSC...

    Dropped IPT, kept extension 1 english and picked up extension 2. I took the easier way out and had only one extension (History), but I would have really loved to do 4U Eng.
  8. fallenstar

    Is the Bonfire going ahead?

    Lols at that. I read it in the paper this morning.
  9. fallenstar

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Last week of exams Society & Culture, on Thursday. What are her four exams? That is insane
  10. fallenstar

    IPT Scaling

    hahaha you were certainly proved wrong by the 2008 paper.
  11. fallenstar

    IPT Scaling

    +1 IPT was a waste of my schooling life. I have not learnt anything that I didn't know about technology (except useless things like parity bits). All I have learnt is the ethics of transaction processing systems and I am psyched to forget it all!
  12. fallenstar

    What won't you miss about high school.

    +1 I CAN RELATE TO THIS SO MUCH! Black and blue hair elastics! POINTLESS rule. also the assemblies were HELL and just self-promoting, except we were all falling asleep. Oh and I won't miss getting on detention for wearing my hair out. Ha, what an absolute joke.
  13. fallenstar

    DISAPOINTING you teachers.

    you probably did much better than you think. you sound intelligent and I'm sure your answers didn't constitute an epic fail. but I know how hard it is not to feel like what you wrote was utter shit, could have included this, could have structured this better, etc etc...Remember that the markers...
  14. fallenstar

    So has anybody started studying for this?

    'normal pips' are generally boring because they've been overdone. i love ideas that are a bit out there. they generally do well too, because the markers are just like "thank GOD! not another self-harm pip!"
  15. fallenstar

    Fullness with end of HSC

    Stop studying for Society, haha. You know it's bad when you drop Work & Leisure into everyday conversation :)
  16. fallenstar

    So has anybody started studying for this?

    post your pip you're from Hornsby Girls...therefore you must be amazing at Society. haha, now that's a stereotype. I'm so bored and sick of studying Work & Leisure that I want to read others' pips...c'monnnnnn.
  17. fallenstar

    kill the hsc

    +1 i totally agree, the volume is intense and when you perform well, that heightens the pressure. i'm on a very high internal mark and the teachers have told me they expect me to get a state ranking which just makes it worse; you scrutinise every essay you write in the exam. i'm worried for Dec...
  18. fallenstar

    DISAPOINTING you teachers.

    yeah i know the pressure too. my modern history and extension history teachers expect me to get state rankings and i don't want to disappoint. plus i am on 99 internally for a few things and they expect top 3 in the state. WOO.