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  1. fallenstar

    My stupid, skinny, no periods day, immature friend.

    that's so sickeningly blasé.
  2. fallenstar

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    Wow, that's a fascinating study.
  3. fallenstar

    Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing

    this is fucking HILARIOUS!!
  4. fallenstar

    Did we get slipped a 'ethics' exam?

    Society & Culture is nothing like Social and Ethical Issues whatsoever :/ By the way the IPT exam reflected the increasing syllabus emphasis on ethical issues in IT; syllabus dotpoints are dominated by these issues. So it really wasn't surprising.
  5. fallenstar

    UAI Guess Competition

    don't think that it'll really matter, ha. it's not serious or anything.
  6. fallenstar

    What UAI should I get?

    Is it possible that you perceive the 2008 HSC as 'easier' than previous years' because you have a better grasp of the content & have practiced more? I think it's inherently subjective and raw band cutoffs won't differ greatly from previous years' for most subjects. @ op: can you give us an...
  7. fallenstar

    Healing the 'scars' the HSC has left you

    it will, especially with Advanced English; you learn to deconstruct everything to the eighth degree. Ironically the point is to understand the meaning of a text, yet it results in the text having less meaning than when you started. (reading this BOS?)
  8. fallenstar

    Pens: favourite type, colour etc

    i can't believe there are 16 pages in this thread, about pens!
  9. fallenstar

    pip ideas

    aaaaargh holy fuck, that would have been horrific. I lost part of my Extension History major work two days before it was due. Luckily I managed to ace it though (thanks to all-nighters, coffees and stress-fuelled energy). Do you think your PIP ended up being as good as the original?
  10. fallenstar

    pip ideas

    It sounds like an interesting idea but you have to be careful that your PIP doesn't end up dissipating into an 'influence of technology on society' pip, which is overdone. Give it an interesting cross-cultural component, like gender or subcultural difference. Nice title though.
  11. fallenstar

    Will I be marked down?

    Hahahaha you have to be joking. "It will make it easier for them considering they only have to mark one and give it the same mark"?! That gives markers no credibility and integrity. Sure every essay is marked individually but if a marker comes across a few that are nearly 'word for word'...
  12. fallenstar

    What's your fetish?

  13. fallenstar

    Would you...

    major lulz.
  14. fallenstar

    competitive ranking. What length you would go to...

    Haha, that's very dependent upon subject choice. Advanced English, Modern History, Extension and Society resources are a bit dubious. (People in my HSC Modern class printed off BOS notes for a Modern assessment this year and the notes said Hitler was born in 1933...) Remember that people...
  15. fallenstar

    Song: Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan

    don't do it. I have finished HSC Advanced English and my teacher, who, to give her some authority, has marked AOS for years, warned us against using songs unless we can really give our responses depth with analysis of tonal shifts, structure, and all that musicology stuff. Many people in my...
  16. fallenstar

    What won't you miss about high school.

    Okay, you have no idea how much all of that relates to me, hahaha. especially that bolded! I completely agree with all of it.
  17. fallenstar

    Post-HSC Life

    november 13: finished my hsc (Society & Culture) november 14: Graduation rehearsal; then Graduation ceremony from 6-12, then after party until 6:30am this morning. i'm fucked.
  18. fallenstar

    Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

    I really want to read Mein Kampf, especially after studying Germany for Modern. My modern teacher read it years ago and she told us it is 'basically a stream of insane dribble'. Not surprising, ha.
  19. fallenstar

    Paradise Lost - Worth the effort?

    It's on my post-hsc reading list; I'm looking forward to it. I've heard it's quite intense, but the concept is so intriguing.
  20. fallenstar

    My stupid, skinny, no periods day, immature friend.

    Fuck you. If you have had the experience you say you've had, you might have a glimpse of her problems.