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  1. I

    Biomial Probability

    Well probability is desirable/possible , so even though they tell you the order, you'd still have to take that into account for the "desirable" part.
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    Biomial Probability

    You forgot to take into account the number of awys of choosing the kids. 6C3-(5C1x3C1x1C1)=5 5x64/15625=64/3125
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    The Meissner Effect

    Doesn't it occur because when a superconductors is below it's Tc it expels a magnetic field, the relative motion of the magnet in this magnetic field causes currents to be induced in the superconductor as indicated by faraday's law. These eddie currents flow in such a way to create a magnetic...
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    How to do this projectile question

    I don't know if i'm missing something here, but shouldn't the second be 2x the first one ( in bold) as the max height occurs at half the time of flight, thus when the range occurs you need to multiply it by 2?
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    Velocity with respect to displacement

    What do you mean he got the exact same answer as required in the question, i.e v=12-10t and this shows that v is being expressed as a function of t.
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    studying past papers

    Ouch, when did you start doing them?
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    log(a/b)=loga-logb not,loga/logb=loga-logb
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    3 unit maths q (identity derivatives)

    y=secx=(cosx)^-1 dy/dx=-1(cosx)^-2(-sinx), by the chain rule. =sinx.(cosx)^-2 =sinx.sec^2x
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    B Eng/ BCom

    I've looked through past threads haven't been able to find much information on this. IS it possible to combine actuarial studies with software eng, if yes could someone provide a link or some information on the uai requirements, salaries etc. Thanks.
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    4U Revising Game

    I(e^x/(1+e^x).dx=I du/u=in/u/=ln(1+e^x)+C new q: In sec^3x.dx
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    4U Revising Game

    Since A,b and C are the roots of the eq, they satisfie they eq. therefore, A^3=-qA-r similarly, B^3=-qB-r similarly, C^3=-qC-r A^5=-qA^3-rA^2 B^5=-qB^3-rB^2 C^5=-qC^3-rC^2 therfore, A^5+b^5+c^5=-q(A^3+B^3=C^3)-r(A^2+B^2+C^2) then you keep subbing in until you get it completely in terms of r...
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    Parametric Equations of the Parabola

    a) let the gradient of OP = -1/OQ or vice versa. Mop=ap^2-0/2ap-0=p/2 similarly,Moq=q/2 therfore,p/2=-2/q => pq=-4 b)eqn of tangent at p=> y=px-ap^2 ( pretty straight forward to derive) similarly, tangent at q => y=qx-aq^2 qx-aq^2=px-ap^2 (q-p)x=a(q^2-p^2) =a(q-p)(p+q) therefore...
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    Is anyone elses class falling behind?

    Lol Energy is the 4th module in year 11 0_0
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    binomial prob. qn

    It's a probability question, thus, the number of ways of choosing the kids is also a determinant in the final answer. Try looking through some of the worked examples in the fitzpatrick book.
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    binomial prob. qn

    You forgot to take into account the number of awys of choosin gthe kids. 6C3-(5C1x3C1x1C1)=5 5x64/15625=64/3125
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    differentiating inverse trig

    y=arctan(1/x) y'=1/(1+(1/x)^2) y=1/arcsinx=(arcsinx)^-1 y'=(-1)(arcsinx)^-2 x(1/sqrt(1-x^2)), by the chain rule. =-1/(sqrt(1-x^2))(arcsinx)^2
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    Question asks to evaluate importance of management in haber process

    Nope, Evaluate: Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value o
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    Question asks to evaluate importance of management in haber process

    The pressure needs to be monitored, the temperature needs to be monitored, the catalyst as it does sort of die out etc.. The typical conditions in industry are: approx: 200atms pressure 400-500 degrees These conditions need to be maintained for the production to be exonomically viable and you...
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    Hard or Easy Maths Question... 4unit class come solve it

    What about some definite integrals...?
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    integrate this

    Re: integrate this slut let u=x^2 v'=1/sqrtx^2+1