so basically:
excess nutrients --> growth of algae --> all oxygen consumed --> algae dies --> increased numbers of bacteria --> toxins --> everything generally bad
how is it more time consuming? you don't waste time constructing sentences, and they don't expect a perfectly ruled table for that kind of answer. i usually get away with my naughts and crosses type scribble
for straighforward comparison questions it's best to do a table, cos then you know you won't forget anything, or contradict yourself. evaluation statement only if they ask for that.
edit: damn i type slow...
so, wait. let me just check. oxidation ALWAYS occurs at the anode, and reduction ALWAYS occurs at the cathode, but whether they're positive or negative changes between an electrolytic cell and a galvanic cell right?
yeah, i sucked hard in prelim, and now i'm doing much better, but still not great. the "better" part could be because my friends dropped chem so now i have no one to distract me :P
i'd say production. all that polymer stuff is easy
i'm wondering the same thing. i'm considering going to UTS for the international studies course, but i can get into other unis science for sure. would UTS be a stupid choice then? what's wrong with it?