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  1. lucyinthehole

    2 hours, 3 essays

    i don;t know about that. i don't think it's BOS's job to prepare us for the workplace. and keeping that inmind, they have VET courses for that kind of thing. but rather, i think their job is to educate us, and intellectually stimulate us. and analysis of texts is not completely useless in that...
  2. lucyinthehole

    2 hours, 3 essays

    an employer wants someone who completes 100% in the fastest time possible, and gets 100% right....
  3. lucyinthehole

    Module B: De-appreciation thread

    then why go to school? get a copy of the syllabus, copy of the text and your set, right? we don't expect to be spoonfed. we expect to be taught.
  4. lucyinthehole

    Module B: De-appreciation thread

    you guys with the fucked-up teachers should really pull together with your respective classes and do an appeal
  5. lucyinthehole

    Module B - Critical Study of Texts

    but is it really fair to take their frustration out on us, the poor students who know what they have been taught and thus expect to be tested on that? i know that my teacher certainly didn't focus on personal reading, or indicate in any way that our personal interpretation is actually a central...
  6. lucyinthehole

    Critical study - personal pronouns???

    what i find annoying is that the questions are all suited to the new course, etc, but what we learnt in class was still the old "variant readings of this text" thing.
  7. lucyinthehole

    Module C - Elective 1: Telling the Truth

    so what would you say is considered "addressing the audience"? also, what did you take "young writer/directors" to mean? like, what kind of situation did you imagine? i kind of sunk into lecturing them on the responsibility of media towards the end... :S
  8. lucyinthehole

    king Lear the most BORING book in the entire UNIVERSE

    rather than being dicks, all of you could just quickly tell him/her that you need 2 readings and thus 2 productions to support those. edit: also, english is not everything. this person can get like 70 in it, but if they do well in their 4U maths (!!!) and other subject, mr scaling will be...
  9. lucyinthehole

    Integrated or "chunks"

    i did it pretty "chunky" in the trials and i got 20/20, so i don't think the integration is THAT important
  10. lucyinthehole

    how do you remember the activity series?

    silvermoon, i LOVE your avatar ;)
  11. lucyinthehole

    radiohead cancel melbourne show

    yeah....why don't bands ever come here? well, except every 6 years or something. (like wherethefuck have weezer been huh?) and yes, i know the answer to that (just not worth it, apparently), but it doesn't make it any less annoying
  12. lucyinthehole


    ooh..i went on sat, and it was amazing, but i do wish they'd played karma and climbing up the walls. if only they could have combined the setlists................... and yeah, hopefully because they fell bad over the melbourne thing, they'll come back sooner than in 6 years!
  13. lucyinthehole

    songs your obssessing over

    well, after going to the radohead concert last sat (couldn't help bragging, sorry :P), i'm now obsessively listening to every single one of their's main one is "climbing up the walls".
  14. lucyinthehole

    Cat Empire

    i saw cat empire at homebake 2003. they were completely amazing, and now i can't go to any of their other shows cos they're all freaking over 18! what, 17 year olds don't deserve to listen to good live music? i almost jigged school to go mac uni for them, i'm that desperate to go to another one...
  15. lucyinthehole

    THE AMAZING Back !

    Can't wait, hate channel 7 lalalaaa...amazing race rocks...hey hey heeey....yes it does most underrated show ever, eh? and crap like "the resort" gets prime time slots. but then again, channel 7 wouldn't know what a good time for a high-rating show would be if somebody dropped them the idea...
  16. lucyinthehole

    Secret Window

    crappy i went to the preview of it on monday. it was ok, besides being ridiculously predictable (i saw the twist coming 15 minutes in and my brother guessed it just from a discription of the movie), and when the big shocker of a twist does come, its completely spelled out for the audience (i...