Search results

  1. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    LOL you see thats an invite, with a condition... now she'll make sure she's never by herself so you won't go up to her... :p
  2. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    LOL.. i don't think you will go and say hi... if you do.. don't point me out!! :p also saw malachite today and flamin... around the same time as we spotted you today (wednesday) again foragoodcause...
  3. jlh

    pre 2005 form

    what form? form for what?
  4. jlh

    Law, Gpa And Uai??????!?!?!???

    LAW is the "it" thing right now... i think i'll try out for law as well!! :S
  5. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    @ FORAGOODCAUSE.. was the paintball guy trying to chat you up today (tuesday)?? :p
  6. jlh

    non-award study

    how many days you are at uni depends on the timetable of your classes... so you could be there 2 days to 5 days...
  7. jlh

    Econ111 Assignment

    yeah i agree....
  8. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    speaking of jobs.. I WANT ONE!! :( but not in the food industry...
  9. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    you gotta point him out to me next time you see him... :D
  10. jlh


    make a profile and then you gotta add us...
  11. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    i can't believe no one has suggested everyone meeting up... again..... i gotta find out what foragoodcause and iambored looks like.. someone wanna share? :p
  12. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    how did you work out who he is..
  13. jlh

    Econ111 Assignment

    LOL.. by WE'VE i mean, ME MYSELF and I
  14. jlh

    accepting offers from OS online...

    you can accept offers online from unsw... not sure about usyd though..
  15. jlh

    Econ111 Assignment

    uh WE'VE done q1, q2, q3, q5, q4a and q6a.... i think...
  16. jlh


    oh yeah.. a friend just reminded me that we never used friendster, we just have accounts... we used myspace... which is another service like friendster.. anyways
  17. jlh


    turns out we're already linked... 4th level....
  18. jlh


    LOL.. i useD friendster.. but don't use it much no more.. .
  19. jlh

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    hahahahahaha......... sukiyaki told me that you had mistaken me for her... and what blonde dyed hair girl? i think i know who your talking about..... oh i'm not a chick BTW.. :S
  20. jlh

    re- enrolling for 2005

    uh ok then.. so then we gotta wait till next year... :S