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  1. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    didn't i point him out to you before? you were sitting right behind him!!
  2. jlh

    Some Help Please!!!

    have you checked out the SIBT website? 2: to trasnfer to a degree, you will have to go thru the uac process and compete for a position. they will take into account your uai and your first year results. 3: there is professional recognition with a b. commerce -...
  3. jlh


    i think if your a permanent resident, you can't defer your hecs payment and you gotta pay the $2.5k- $3k per semester up front... a friend of mine is a permanent resident with a HECS spot and had to pay around $2.5k up front... check this site out for more info:
  4. jlh

    finance stuff

    uh... err... applied and computers? uh.. no... your kidding right? anyways phil, are you considering the b. applied finance course at MQ? i'm don't think there are any b. finance degrees being offered anywhere?!?! :S so you'd have to do a b. commerce with majors in finance.. right?
  5. jlh

    Economics @ Macquarie

    econ111 and econ200 are both mirco... econ110 and econ201 are macro... i'd say do macro.. its much more interesting!!
  6. jlh

    finance stuff

    for a major in accounting and to join one of the professional bodies, CPA or CA, you'd need to have done some business law (or commercial law at some uni's). it is a core element in an accounting major which should give you basic legal knowledge... you should do a search on what the...
  7. jlh

    Free ECON141 Help

    i think the past papers were harder than the one we did...
  8. jlh

    b science @ maq

    you'd have to check the core BBA units... most of them have pre- requisites that you must be enrolled in the BBA degree.... but that said, you don't only do units with the prefix BBA in them..... the core units for...
  9. jlh

    Free ECON141 Help

    no elasticity question today!! but there was alot of those stupid "find the t- crit value of the significance level ..."
  10. jlh

    Economics @ Macquarie

    who lectures 201? what about 200, 210 and 232?
  11. jlh

    Economics @ Macquarie

    you can say that again!
  12. jlh

    Economics @ Macquarie

    economics doesn't suck.... its better than accounting!!
  13. jlh

    Economics @ Macquarie

    for econ, the pre- req was math band 2 and above... but there are math units at mac uni which you can do to bring you up to speed if you haven't done any math at all...
  14. jlh

    Economics @ Macquarie

    i'm doing an econ degree at mq.. i'm in first year so i won't be able to tell you much.. but as flyin' said, you don't only do economics units.. for first year, you do: econ110: macroeconomics econ111: microeconomics econ141: econometrics stat170: statistics those are your only core...
  15. jlh

    Which Uni has the best B Arts course?

    mq has a b. business administration/ b. arts (japanese)
  16. jlh

    accg105 lecture 1/9

    i'm assuming they'd be in eric.. worth a try... unless josh is willing to give up his spare... :p
  17. jlh

    b science @ maq

    ok to put it even simplier.. you pick a program from the b. science (link above) degree... if it doesn't have a specific course structure indicating what you have to do, then you gotta work our your program based on what is core. so you start with core final year units (300 level) and work...
  18. jlh


    yeah i gotta agree with foragoodcause... mcharg is pretty good... the 3pm guy is ok as well, macri... he's got power point slides with key information that you just copy down... the textbook mcharg gets all his examples from is from another textbook by gans, king and mankiw... but the...
  19. jlh

    accg105 lecture 1/9

    hahahaha.. suggestion box...
  20. jlh


    uh allan is a pretty good lecturer... (macth 1pm) he explains it in a way you can understand it.... i haven't been to the other 1pm one but i'm assuming all she does is read off the slides?