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  1. jlh


    what subject is this for? have you tried going thru the department website and looking for the unit website?
  2. jlh

    how do I put two DVDs onto one DVD?

    you can use dvd shrink to rip and re- compress your videos. you will lose quality depending on how long each movie is. also you'd need to get rid of the extra rubbish on the dvd's (eg. menus, special features).... your not pirating movies are you?
  3. jlh


    you're in a HECS spot right natstar? and i take it you don't defer your tuition??!?!
  4. jlh


    oh i forgot to add, if your a non- award student, you have to pay for your subject fees upfront, so you can't defer them to hecs....
  5. jlh


    a non award student is a student that is enrolled at the university not under any degree. they are on a 'trial basis' and if they do well enough in their first semester, they are allowed to transfer to a general degree, ie. arts/science.
  6. jlh


    not working for me either!!
  7. jlh

    Some Help Please!!!

    a semester usually goes for 13 weeks with 2 weeks break somewhere in those weeks plus a 2/3 week exam period. you'd need to pass all your subjects to transfer to b. commerce (general). yes you would have to pay the hecs fees for the degree you are enrolled in. but the hecs fees are based...
  8. jlh

    Quality of B Psych at mq?

    actually they are different.. a b. arts- psych degree is an ARTS degree with majors in PSYCHOLOGY.. the same goes for the b. science- psych degree... its a SCIENCE degree with majors in PSYCHOLOGY...
  9. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    so your stalking us one by one, iambored? its not fair that you know who we are and no one has a clue who you are...
  10. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    i don't think this thread was meant to be a stalking thread...
  11. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    hahaha.. your stalking skills arn't that great if you gotta ask us if we turned up!! maybe we did, maybe we didn't..
  12. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    he didn't say hi cuz he's stalking you.. it wouldn't be right of a stalker to talk to their victim!! :p
  13. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    yeah pb.. stalker threads are good entertainment.. :p
  14. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    i think someone pointed you out to eyebrowman...
  15. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    yeah well i didn't want randoms knowing me as well.. its kinda weird/freaky... but now i don't really care...
  16. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    and the stalking begins... ...again...
  17. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    uh.. some people know me... and someone on here mistakenly thought i was someone else!! who are you iambored... who do you know that ties you into the MQ BOS'ers....
  18. jlh


    regarding your preferences question... yes you can change them completely, add new ones or delete old ones... and you can also re- shuffle the order they are in...
  19. jlh


    or you can avoid all comp units in first semester and do those units from the degree you are planning to trasnfer into, i'm assuming its commerce related... the ebus degree allows you to do some commerce units.... eg econ110- microecon, mktg101- marketing fundamentals, etc etc..
  20. jlh

    hahaha mission accomplished!

    uh what? congregate around eyebrowman? i'll be sure to distance myself from him to keep my identity a secret!!